September 30, 2009

house of the week 041: N-House

Built on a deep lot in a residential prefecture in Japan, the N-house designed by Frank La Riviere has an open plan on the ground floor that opens to a traditional garden to the rear. The first floor uses traditional shoji screens to allow the upper rooms to open around the central atrium.

September 28, 2009

blog wunderlust: 28 September 2009

Be a Malevich ::: build your own architecton | a split in HdM | 20 recycled buildings | World Habitat Day | the architect's car | top 100 urban thinkers | Live Forever | Pallet House by Michael Janzen | bed in a box | architecture + food | Logan's Run

Cornerstone Architects have recently updated their site - check it out!

Architecture is a visual art, and the buildings speak for themselves.
Julia Morgan

September 25, 2009

September 24, 2009

on the boards: Open Fort

The collaboration of Elastik Architects & Mat studio was short listed for the Open Fort 400 competition. Follow the link for the other short-listed projects

on the boards: Folk Museum

Competition entry for a Folk museum to be located in Sarpsborg, Norway by Reuilf Ramsta architects. The design is based on a composition of geometrical prisms with the critical functions emphasised formally.

on the boards: Museum of Image & Sound

Architects Diller Scofidio + Renfro have recently won an international design competition for the Museum of Image and Sound to be located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The building is conceived as an extension of the Roberto Burle Marx designed boulevard, stretched vertically; completion expected in 2011.

September 23, 2009

house of the week 040: Villa Dall'Ava

Located on a steep slope in a Parisian suburb, this iconic house designed by OMA is most noted for it's swimming pool on the roof separating the bedrooms for the parents and their daughter with the shared living spaces in-between.

September 21, 2009

Cooper reviewed

Follow the link to Treehugger's review of the recently completed designed Morphosis, Cooper Union academic facility.

Unpacking my library

Each architect’s library is unique and informs their practice in surprising ways. Their personal statements, and favourite books, show that they are not bound by architectural themes or a canonizing of architectural history. Unpacking My Library an exhibition on view at urbancenterbooks.

ps.  here's a sampling of mine

blog wunderlust: 21 September 2009

architectural graffiti | the tool house & the urban context of informality | Sustainable cities are the solution | trust me I'm an (unlicensed) architect | the perfect city | Orgies in the Sky | everything is bigger in Texas | New Urban Architects

for those interested there is a course on Caribbean Heritage starting 2nd November 2009

100 Innovative Blogs for Architecture Students - scroll down to number 89

September 18, 2009

Google: Ireland

Atelier Bow-Wow

Atelier Bow-Wow / Atelier House from 0300TV on Vimeo.

September 17, 2009

on the boards: CAF/ Altamira Square extension

A competition entry for the CAF headquarters in Caracas, Venezuela by architect Andrade Morettin. The proposal was intended as a urban extension to the Altamira Square (Francia Norte Square) in an attempt to reinforce the importance of the public space by it's axial relationship with the building.

on the boards: EDC fashion

This striking crystalline structure by make architects was a competition-winning scheme for the EDC fashion brand headquarters in Ratingen, Germany

on the boards: Moving Forward

Moving Forward, is a public art installation designed by Indianapolis-based architect Donna Sink of MW Harris Architects. The works when complete will make up a series of three custom-designed eco-friendly bus shelters exhibiting original poetry by published writers along the Indianapolis Cultural Trail.

September 16, 2009

Special Book Offer

Fancy a 40% discount on the recently reviewed Dwelling - Accordia by Black Dog Publishing? To order, simply email black dog publishing with your delivery address, quoting ‘Architechnophilia Offer’ in the subject line.

house of the week 039: Casa N

Casa N in Guadalajara, Mexico by Agraz architects

Buy Contemporary Bedroom Furniture at cheap prices.

September 15, 2009

variety & context...

Dwelling Accordia
Paul Drew & Ivor Richards
Black Dog Publishing (2009)
rating: 3.5 stars
Accordia is a housing estate in Cambridge by a group of architects each designing a different aspect of the project. Dwelling - Accordia mimics an exhibition catalogue, capturing what is on show whilst making scholarly contribution by means of descriptive texts, case study and images. The writing however is heavy-handed in its commendation of the scheme and denies the reader any objective engagement with the topic. Notwithstanding Accordia is praiseworthy deserving of the Stirling Prize for excellence in architecture; demonstrating “a coherent architectural language of subtlety and variety” sensitively maintaining the context in the balance of the urban and suburban.

The Accordia housing development is a 380 unit, 9.5 hectare housing estate completed in April 2006 completed by Architects Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios with contributions by MacCreanor Lavington, Alison Brooks Architects and Grant associates.

September 14, 2009

blog wunderlust: 14 September 2009

starchitect fashion on the runway | top 50 | artist's utopia: Detroit | wow! homes | archi-ninja interview with Andrew Maynard | Lopped Off | the challenging life of a closet architect | Michael Jackson memorial winners | architects in film... look out for the Elly Glass Project | Urban Renewal one art piece at a time | machines for living

keep up to date with us on Twitter

September 11, 2009

3XNielsen competition proposal for library, cinema and apartments in Utrecht

House of Cards

House of Cards by architecture w

I told you that architects like Star Wars

Grafton Architects

Milan's Luigi Bocconi University by Grafton Architects

Ole Bouman interview on 300Tv

Ole Bouman Interview / NAi - Volume / Part 1

Ole Bouman Interview / NAi - Volume / Part 2

September 10, 2009

on the boards: the Interlace

The Interlace designed by architects OMA is an apartment complex in Singapore comprised of stacked building units. The modern design capitalizes on the generous roof area by converting them into roof gardens for the over 1000 living units.

on the boards: Teton Valley Community School

Section Eight [Design] has been awarded first place in the 2009 Open Architecture Challenge for the Teton Valley Community School, Idaho.


Enjoy extra space in your bedroom with Storage Platform Beds.

on the boards: Atlantic Yards Arena

SHoP in collaboration with AEC firm Ellerbe Becket have been awarded the design the Atlantic Yards Sports Arena to be located in Brooklyn, New York after the original more controversial proposal by Frank Gehry was deemed too expensive.


Get plasma TV Stands for all television models.

September 9, 2009

Extra-Muros ::: Architectures of Delight

The French Embassy in Jamaica and the Caribbean School of Architecture, University of Technology are hosting an exhibition titled Extra-Muros - Architectures of Delight. The exhibition was originally produced and designed from a catalogue of photographs and critics of contemporary architecture, coordinated by the Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine / Institut français d’architecture.

house of the week 038: T-house

The late Simon Ungers (with Tom Kinslow) designed this retreat on a 40-acre wooded site for for an aspiring writer and his 10,000-book collection. The library peeks over the treetops symbolizing the clients lofty aspirations whilst the living spaces contained in the base of the house is grounded into the hillside.

September 7, 2009

blog wunderlust: 07 September 2009

architectural pornography | we've got books | a chip in his armour | what does the brick basalt want to be? | no more silence | living wall is dead | learning from the Bauhaus | CAD costs | 30 things about art and life

new site for the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA)

September 6, 2009

gone in 60 seconds

60 Seconds of Architecture is an open international film project where participants are encouraged to produce a 60 second film that deals with architecture in some form.

Deadline for submission is 15th September 2009

Architecture Film festival

Following the ethos of our recent post on architects & movies - a new film festival that celebrates the exploration of architecture and design in film, including feature-length films, documentaries and shorts that reveal how architects and designers think, work and create.

The festival will benefit the Yestermorrow design-build school that provides architectural education that integrates sustainable design and building into one continuous process.

d3 housing competition

The d3 housing competition calls for transformative solutions that advance sustainable thought, building performance, and social interaction through study of intrinsic environmental geometries, social behaviours, urban implications, and programmatic flows.

Submissions due 15 January, 2010

September 3, 2009

Proposed artist colony located on Rat Island, St. Lucia for the SketchUp Design It Shelter Competition by Shanella Brooks of Melon Design

on the boards: the Dragon

The Dragon is a sinuously shaped building housing the Shanghai headquarters of the pharmaceutical company, Giant and designed by LA based architects Morphosis, headed by 2005 Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate Thom Mayne.

on the boards: National Library of Kazakhstan

Copenhagen based architects BIG have been awarded first place in the design of the new National Library of Kazakhstan. Inspired by the mobius strip, the outer skin of the building twists, so that the walls eventually become a ceiling, and outside surfaces curve inside.

more here

September 2, 2009

on the boards: Asian Cultural Centre

Designed by Kyu Sung Woo, the Asian Cultural Centre proposed for a historic site in Gwangju, Korea is conceived of as both a memorial and a public park to create an uninterrupted extension of the city fabric.

de Young museum

de Young museum
Originally uploaded by architechnophilia.
apologies for the break in transmission. Here is some eye candy to fill the void

house of the week 037: Sumaré

The 600m2 live-work space designed by architect Isay Weinfeld is appropriately named after the city it resides in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Sited on a small lot the house maximizes space by going below grade with an airy almost wall-less basement creating a three storey space on an avenue typically limited to 2.
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