February 28, 2007

Norman Manley Int'l Airport

Llewelyn Davies Yeang Architects masterplan for the renovation to the Norman Manley International airport, Jamaica.


if you come for cricket you can see this, as it is near completion

The ‘three leaf’ plan of the high density sustainable housing (240-500 homes), channels wind through the centre driving turbines generating electricity to power common areas reducing energy demand. .

Marks Barfield Architect
top 100 architectural firms internationally; London has the most architects in the top ten & Steven Holl is the top American architect.

"Hitoshi Abe forges a box of dimpled Cor-Ten steel [with a pattern reminiscent of diamond plate, contains a cluster of small galleries, inspired by soap bubbles but made of flat planes of steel], painted white on the inside, as a home for the new Kanno Museum in Japan."


February 27, 2007


Termas Vals by Peter Zumthor; the kind of vacation and recovery I need

Rem Koolhaas' proposal for a new mixed-use tower in New Jersey


New Orleans design-build practice bild design

via building big easy

blue house | blue sea

A sea side cottage in Argentina by architects Darío Antonietti, Ignacio Montaldo, Eugene Ottolenghi; made from prefabricated pods & elements and hoisted into place.


February 26, 2007

A building component by Dutch architects Hofman Dujardin that transforms from window to balcony for convenience.



simply inspired by the recent critique I attended...

cricket, cricket, lovely cricket

Nike is ready for ICC World Cup 2007

on another note, Dad got his ticket!

February 23, 2007

3LHD has completed a new sports hall in a small village (population 1000). The external wall surfaces are finished in traditional local dry stone, cladding much of the prefabricated concrete structure.

February 22, 2007

Abu Dhabi

Performing Arts Centre by Zaha Hadid

Proposal for a Maritime Museum by Tadao Ando

via core77

Jackson McElhaney Architects
thanks Shanella

February 21, 2007

February 20, 2007

Eighteen low-income projects are underway throughout Spain employing the services of some well known international architects. The names range from the UK's David Chippfield & Foreign Office Architects, to Mexico's Ricardo Legorreta and the Netherlands MVRDV. Interestingly,the projects "were judged on the quality of their designs, not their names," further limited by the limiting budget of £4m for 133 units - approximately U$60,000 per unit. More

via archinect
Do you have an old car just collecting rust? You could think of turning it into your dream home.

via archinect

February 19, 2007

modern masters from elsewhere pt.1

Eladio Dieste, an architect from Uruguay whose distinction was earned through his design industrial buildings and informal civic buildings such as markets and churches. Dieste was an innovator even among his Modernist peers, the elegance in his architecture was achieved by utlising thin shell brick vaults with tiled finishes - a cheaper alternative to reinforced concrete not requiring ribs and beams. He stated "deep moral/practical reasons for our search which give form to our work: with the form we create."

via Wikipedia

The work of Costa Rica based architect Bruno Stagno, attempts to bridge sustainable yet culturally and technologically relevant architecture in Central America

thanks for the link Shanella
Adobe goes green with their US Headquarters earning LEED platinum status of Green Building Rating System™ through a decade of responsive renovations.

via treehugger

February 18, 2007

orchids in bloom

The Orchid chair by Danish designer Christian Flindt

February 17, 2007

Hive Homes, architecturally design modular dwellings.

Other prefab dealers (architect designed too)

IKEA (prefab communities called Boklok)
Marmol Radziner prefab
more here Living Box
and here Prefab.com

Pre-Fab Saturday [Manley Meadows]

Manley Meadows, originally uploaded by architechnophilia.

Consider this a small effort to raise awareness on pre-fabrication beyond the awful concrete boxes that reside particularly in low income communities. We as architects can do better!

drag & drop

The St. Clare's Multi-faith housing complex being built on top of a downtown medical building, in Toronto by architects Levitt Goodman. The concept involves adding two floors of pre-fabricated units, for the poor & formerly homeless, to minimize disruption and speed construction as the building below is still occupied.

Maynard Architects was featured (again) at Treehugger for this concept of movable real estate with the assistance of a wind powered crane.

February 16, 2007

(Normal + Architecture + Office) founded by Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss architect & author of "Almost Architecture," is charged with the contemporary practice of architecture, urban design & conceptual art
(sorry for previously mentioning the incorrect practice)

February 15, 2007

Very sensual and poetic work by Marwan Al Sayed Architects

February 14, 2007

Germaine Greer at the Guardian rips Alsop's Peckham library a new one.

"Peckham library is inextricably connected with the huge creative ego of Will Alsop"


originally uploaded by architechnophilia.
The new entry facade to the Norman Manley International Airport, Kingston, Jamaica. The project for jump started to make it available for the 2007 ICC World Cup Cricket being held in the British West Indies/ Caribbean this easter.

I'm not sure who the architects are, if anyone knows please comment. I do know that Ken Yeang is a consultant on the project though.

February 13, 2007

E.Cobb Architects

February 12, 2007


The wave, a residential tower on the Gold Coast of Australia by dbi design

February 11, 2007

prefab hotel

Hotel Everland by Swiss artist-duo L/B (Sabina Lang and Daniel Baumann), is a Hotel with only one room, including deluxe bathroom, a king-size bed and a lounge with a view. The hotel is prefabricated in a factory and brought to a site near you.

thanks einstain

February 9, 2007

The Swell House by Office of Mobile Design via Inhabitat

Starchitects - an Everyday commodity?

I was reading an article in the LA Times about home ownership, and out of no where they dropped Rem Koolhaas' name. No description of what he's done, his firm, nothing. It got me thinking that BIG name architects have really become household or everday commodities.

Now understandly this wasn't anything new. A generation or two ago every potentional suburbanite this side of the planet knew who FLW was. But that was specific to their needs & interests - home ownership.

Today Architects whose fame was esoteric only to other architects have become featured names on products ranging from kettles, toasters, pens, watches, items of more household significance you name it. Has the world gone mad...or just finally realigning?

something to add?

February 8, 2007

Tamizo Architects

via arch|diaries

lovely modern work, but I can't tell what's real or rendered

I knicked this image from core77 of the 'Water Cube'(2008 Beijing Olympics) with the 'Bird's Nest' in the distance

February 7, 2007

ReCUA, Re: Caribbean Urbanism & Architecture, a regional architecture and landscape practice out of Santo Domingo headed by Marcos Barinas Uribe.

added to the regional architects link on the side bar

3XN wins the Award for Netherland’s best building 2006 with their Music Building in Amsterdam. More images here

thanks Eva

Art historian Sean Keller reviews recent renovations to Mies's Crown Hall at IIT and Louis Kahn's Yale University Art Gallery for Artforum

Its worth looking at this as well, the musings of artist Josiah McElheny on the interiors of Josef Hoffmann.

February 6, 2007

Zaha Hadid interview at DesignBoom

This all timber house in London by Richard Dudzicki Architects attempts to make an attempt at an eco friendly, thermally efficient and sustainable building utilising recycled glass & panel construction.

February 5, 2007

This Treatment Centre for disturbed children in Japan, is a combination of simplicity and sympathy designed by Sou Fujimoto Architects. Externally there is no obvious hierarchy of buildings which translates on the inside where children have occupy semi-private areas or to use the common space as a centre.

February 3, 2007

Luyeyuan Stone Sculpture Museum, China by Jaikun Liu & Wang Lun

February 1, 2007

Hill House

Designed by Johnston Marklee for an irregular hillside lot in Los Angeles, the single family residence is shaped by the desire to maximize the allowable volume permitted by the zoning code, whilst minimizing the amount of foundations and subsequent footprint of the house. The resulting structure adopts a site specific form yet optimizing the building’s occupation on the inclined lot.

Seattle Public Library

Design Within Reach captures a view of the Seattle Public Library, by OMA
with links to the Metropolis feature last April (2006)

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