September 30, 2005


The asada residence in kobe, by Shuwa Tei - a cube shaped residence remeniscent of Bruenel

The Jamaica Observer interviewed with Jamaican architect, Evan Williams

"...he artfully combines his two loves."It's all part of the idea of creating environments as is done in architecture."

the $100 Laptop

Not architectural related but still worth a mention

$100 laptops for the developing world

September 28, 2005

more numbers

Found this one after

11.04 architects out of the uk

I like the advert for architect's advice hotline, and the cow's -nice!

Ito wins Gold

Japanese architect Toyo Ito, was the recepient of this year's RIBA Royal Gold Medal. See more here

(apologies all I had previously used the description of Shigeru Ban by accident - don't blog when you are tired, thanks Miguel for the correction)

September 27, 2005

Originally uploaded by nickehret.
I still love this beast clad in armour

"The design gathers inspiration from the northern lights and the dramatic Icelandic nature." from arcspace

Henning Larsens Tegnestue, in collaboration with the icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson, has been awarded 1st prize in the International competition for a new Concert and Congress Centre.

Architecture has, once again, redefined its position as the most influential creative discipline. Perfecting environments, both offline and online. This was the description of Diamond + Schmitt on TAXI.

beauty... one sip at a time

I know I previously posted this but I was recently reminded by the melon how beautiful the works are. Take a look molo design

September 26, 2005


8 inc


360 architects

6a architects

and I was a part of studio 7 a group of students + 1 design tutor entering local & international competitions

September 25, 2005

school stuff

For all those heading back to school decided to link to a piece of work worthy of the fetish. Its experimental and I think that's what is most important.

does recall the shower in the vila savoye don't you think?

September 23, 2005

Fernando Guerra Architect & Photographer (partnered with his brother Sergio Guerra)

much better images on the site
also see previously post

September 22, 2005

Building Design's Ian Martin weekly diary

September 21, 2005

How to become a Famous Architect - a brief step by step guide

by FAT

September 20, 2005

Fernando Guerra, photographer

September 19, 2005

fuck mondays

Its monday afternoon just after 5pm - I feel as if I've just started my day being taken away yet again from my desk (& importantly my coffee) to meet/discuss/have dialogue about things that people assume I have expertise on...less time to do what I want/need to do design or even draft.

Instead I spend my time holding peoples hands taking them through the motions. I've just admitted that I am more stressed than I let on.

Jane get me off this crazy thing.


this was the view I had in Antigua on my way returning to Montserrat. Granted my vision was a little hazed as I was nursing a hangover from a little too much red wine the night before.

Colourful isn't it? A bit harsh with the selection but apparently this is (what they think) people recognise the Caribbean Architecture. Hmm...

If you click on the image it should take you to a close-up of the St Johns Cathedral in the background.

back from Barbados

Well I'm officially back from Barbados, and have much to show. Thanks to Architect Israel Mapp - who took me touring on some nifty architectural sites, I will be posting much of that in few moments, as well those folks at the EU delegation Paul Mondesir & Rory McGaw for being good hosts.

Architects Wanted

Gillespie & Steel - chartered architects in Barbados providing architectural, planning, and interior design services to clients in the Eastern Caribbean.

Are seeking...

Architect, RIBA part III, MA or equivalent
minimum 3 years experience in design & contract management. The candidate is expected to undertake design, working drawings, contract administration, co-ordination of tasks and client liason.

Site Architect, RIBA part III, MA or equivalent
minimum 5 years experience in design & contract management. The candidate is expected to undertake working drawings, contract administration, co-ordination of tasks, client liason and make design input.

Candidates must be Caricom nationals & have a valid driver's license. CAD is essential preferably VectorWorks

send resumes to
Gillespie & Steel Associates
Dormers, Prior Park
St. James

September 16, 2005

what's THERE?

Theredesign architecture, interiors and design office
On a lighter note I did find that they fit the interior designer stereotype (very pretty women)

link via archinect

September 15, 2005

O'Donnell-Tuomey Architects (Ireland)

September 14, 2005

the joy of making...

Australian Architect Andrew Maynard, an under 40 star in the making. His work is marked by fine detailing, a bit of whimsy, and big graphic overtunes allowing his portfolio to be less about style & more about character of spaces. The buildings seem more like a box of old treasures, more than anything else, telling stories on the joy of making architecture.

September 12, 2005

What does an architect do?

This architect builds stairs in heaven, and palaces of air on earth
Counsels building owners, translates dreams into spaces
Thinks about site, light and climate
Considers city and ground (price and image of the town)
Carefully considers the use of resources (special claim for passive sun energy and usage of rainwater)
Uses materials in a new way
Draws plans and details
Rules the state of technology, binds/ interconnects specialists in the planning
Finds good construction firms and professionals, coordinates construction work, supervises the raising of the building
Controls achievements and payments

that's what I do what about you??


More on Mark Rios of Rios Clementi Hale
take a look at their other endeavours notNeutral

link via archinect

September 10, 2005

Leaving on a jet plane

Well it isn't really a jet plane rather a twin engine prop, but I am leaving. Heading off to Barbados for a couple days on work assignment. Not 100% sure when I'll be back, but I will attempt to update the "fetish"

I have no idea where I will be staying (not uncommon for me) but I can guarantee that it won't be here

or here

read more at the core

September 9, 2005


Belgian architect, Egide Meertens

no question - I really like this!


Apartment in Barcelona by Gaudi
Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Spaces

by a former CSA lecturer Jacob Voorthuis

September 8, 2005

from the block

The Bank of Montserrat, headquarters under construction in Brades. "This buidling is really really bad, and the architects could have gone with something a little less...well better, the modern interpretation of tradition was just..fucking terrible! Do you see the heart shaped stone...[what the hell]" sound byte from Bertknox the architect

de Young

"The unfinished structure had a special rawness and awkward beauty.."

Construction photos of the new de Young Museum in San Francisco by architects Herzog and de Meuron

September 7, 2005

Architecture + Factory

= archifactory (not arty farty)

ps. the practice, not the building.

September 6, 2005

Architectural practice ZMM Zombory-Moldovan Moore

September 5, 2005

salt in the wounds

I know it is the end of summer, so I thought I'd post something that you all will miss...

Where do architects go on vacation? At the most stylish locations of course, check out...designhotels
"Never design anything that cannot be made" John Prouve' (1901-1984)

September 2, 2005

Cameroon | Architects

In an appeal to the public, Cameroon recognizes the power of an absent school of Architecture. "A sound architect is a master...He needs a compound knowledge in order to select and combine his material with respect to the texture of the earth upon which he build, adapt the shape of the structure to its functions..." | allafrica

"Building plans can only be approved by architects," Moyo told CT. "But since we have been sidelined, citizens build without site plans. They ignorantly construct on reserved lands, swamps, ghettos, etc.

Hmm sounds like Montserrat

Printed Blog

I just wanted to offer my congratulations to another blog, blgblog aka Building Blog, that was recently featured in the Browser section of the Architecture Review.

Libeskind Interview

"Rachel you, at 16, know more than most of the professional architects in my office." The voice of Northern Kentucky interviews starchitect Daniel Libeskind

via archinect

September 1, 2005

The architectural design firm of Mehrdad Hadighi, associate professor of architecture in the University at Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning. Named and recognized by Architectural Record magazine as one of 10 members of its 2003 "Architectural Vanguard" -"the top young firms reshaping the globe."
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