September 30, 2010

architecture + design film festival

on the boards: Rafelbunyol school

An infant & primary school in Rafelbunyol, Spain by BG Studio. The different uses of the school are maintained formally by the creation of independent blocks. The volumes are further broken up to produce a series of patios that provide light and ventilation to the interior spaces.

on the boards: Täby City Hall

The Täby City Hall designed by Denmark based practice Special Edition Architecture (SEA). The civic functions are spread over 5 storeys and punctured by an open air atrium with a mezzanine containing the more public functions. The entire ground floor opens continuing the public passage through the building and connecting the urban spaces of the city.

September 29, 2010

House of the Week 86: Sagaponac House

Designed by Tsao & McKown Architects the 4,500 ft2 Sagaponac house was constructed for a hypothetical client in Wainscott, NY - a community planned by Richard Meier. The house is partially submerged with the main volume anchored to the site, the terrain in turn is carved to create spaces that are at both secluded, yet open to the forested surroundings.

September 28, 2010

Cineroleum: Petrol Station Cinema

A collective of young artists, designers and architects have transformed an abandoned petrol station in London into a temporary cinema. Fashioned and built primarily of donated and found materials, the cinema offers a potential life to the many derelict petrol stations around the UK.

via pop-up city

Swissnex shanghai

Swissnex shanghai a Swiss outpost for science, technology and culture in China approached EXH design for the fit-out of their new offices. A large space was defined by a curved screen that creates two distinct areas. A public one for reception, workshops and exhibitions and behind the screen a friendly flexible working space for 7 to 14 workers.

September 27, 2010

FCAA Conference: Prototyping New Logics

The Federation of Caribbean Architectural Associations will be hosting the 5th Congress and conference on the 27th - 30th October 2010 in Ponce, Puerto Rico. The conference is entitled Prototyping New Logics for Architectural Production and Connectivity, and will be hosted by the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico.

blog wunderlust : 27 September 2010

If you plan cities for cars and traffic, you get cars and traffic. If you plan for people and places, you get people and places.
Fred Kent, Project for Public Spaces

Ove Arup key speech | food and its relation to architecture | hardware everywhere | alphabet soup chairs | Zaha Hadid Tapped for Baghdad Bank Building | Pardon us, but our museum is falling apart | Israel: Settlers brace for end of building freeze | Planning a sustainable city in the desert | A brighter shade of green | 13 US Passiv

The blog wunderlust is a weekly round up summarizing the architectural highlights, news and web links, that don't otherwise fit the format of this blog. If you have any to share feel free to drop me an email

September 26, 2010

In Our Space

The University of the West Indies (UWI), St. Augustine will be hosting a one day symposium, entitled Art, Design and Architecture in our Space: New Perspectives on Art and Design Practice in the Caribbean to be held at the Institute of Critical Thinking, UWI, St. Augustine on 6th October 2010.

Sixteen panellists drawn from the fields of art, design and architecture, as well as researchers from related disciplines will present papers at the Symposium. The Symposium papers will be published after the event.

September 23, 2010

on the boards: Bangalore International Airport

Images have been revealed of the HOK designed extension to the Bangalore (Bengaluru) International Airport. The extension when complete will provide 134,000 m2 for the increasing numbers that use the airport on a yearly basis, expected to total 17 million by 2015.

on the boards: St. Louis Gateway competition

Landscape architect Michael Van Valkenburgh has been awarded the re-design to the site surrounding the St. Louis gateway. The Van Valkenburgh led team included Steven Holl and ARUP and has proposed to reintroduce natural wetlands to the area, as well as a wildlife sanctuary and secured pathways for observation and recreation.
 for more visit the competition site

on the boards: Fuchun Garden Hotel

Part of the "nine Peninsulas" master plan for Guangxi, China, the 23,000 m2 Fuchun Garden Hotel is to be located on a site with various natural features such as ravines, cliffs, caves and lakes. Designed by 100s+1 architects the conventional geometry of the form is intended to be in harmony by contrasting with the organic surroundings.

September 22, 2010

house of the week 85: Yard House

Pompom Arkitekter have recently completed a project in Tollarp, Sweden. Called the Yard House it is defined by a centrally located open space that provides ample lighting, a link between the inside and the outside whilst shading the gazes from curious neighbours.

September 19, 2010

blog wunderlust : 20 September 2010

I prefer drawing to talking. Drawing is faster, and leaves less room for lies.
Le Corbusier

Josef Hoffmann | Phillip Johnson's Secret Sex Retreat | the architect in comics | flashmob protests gentrification | What About the Burning Icon? | Manhattan's urban trail | architect chairs | elastic city | 80 years of AD in 1100 words | Is architectural photography art photography? | In the Clouds | Enough with Jane Jacobs already |

September 17, 2010

architect | client

World Habitat Day: Better City, Better Life

The United Nations has designated Monday 4th October as World Habitat Day. Through the Habitat for Humanity the aim will be to raise awareness of the need for improved shelter and reinforce the connection between human health and housing, and neighborhood revitalization. These themes echo the United Nations’ chosen theme for 2010: Better City, Better Life.

For more videos follow the link

September 16, 2010

on the boards: London Business School

Sheppard Robson has won an international design competition to develop world-class facilities for the main campus of the London Business School at Sussex Place. The winning submission valued at £69.0m proposes to develop the space between two listed buildings to create one 30,000 m2 school.

on the boards: San Michele open air museum

A proposal for an open-air museum in San Michele, Italy by architects C+S Associates

September 15, 2010

house of the week 84: Leavitt Residence

This 3 story residence in Chicago, is a conversion of a 1920 mercantile building by architects Miller Hull and Studio Dwell, and took a little over 3 years to complete. Much of the original brick walls and timber beams were retained and sit comfortably amongst the finished industrial aesthetic of the house.

September 13, 2010

blog wunderlust : 13 September 2010

The pulsation of city life is fast, so why not that of its environment? It reflects rise and fall, coming and going ... change. So why not build for this?
Peter Cook

Recreation in the Wasteland | Corb memorabilia | rebuilding a modern Kingston | Calatrava's ballet | architect for mayor of Milan | Google housing | the architect who made Shanghai | Modern Life is Rubbish | designing peace | why architects drink | Maynard's Mash | why there are no car-free neighbourhoods in the US | designer bulbs

The blog wunderlust is a weekly round up summarizing the architectural highlights, news and web links, that don't otherwise fit the format of this blog. If you have any to share feel free to drop me an email

September 12, 2010

Pugh + Scarpa interview

Pugh + Scarpa interview as part of their Lifetime Achievement Award

Pugh & Scarpa split

After 22 years the multi-award winning architectural and urban design firm Pugh + Scarpa have split. Firm principal Gwynne Pugh has launched Gwynne Pugh Urban Studio - a design and consultation practice. Pugh + Scarpa will continue to operate but now under the title Brooks + Scarpa (Angela Brooks and Lawrence Scarpa).


September 11, 2010

Studio Banana Tv ::: Benedetta Tagliabue

Studio Banana TV features Gas Natural Tower in Barcelona with explanations by its author, Italian architect Benedetta Tagliabue.

September 10, 2010

TED talks: Edward Burtynsky

Edward Burtynsky on manufactured landscapes for TED talks

September 7, 2010

new work ::: The Memorial for Jewish Deportation

Studio Kuadra has have recently completed the Memorial for Jewish Deportation in Borgo San Dalmazzo in Italy. The Memorial consists of a concrete slab raised from the ground bearing the name of 20 survivors whilst the plaques on the ground commemorate the remaining 335 prisoners.

September 6, 2010

blog wunderlust : 6 September 2010

A designer is an emerging synthesis of artist, inventor, mechanic, objective economist and evolutionary strategist.
Buckminster Fuller

honey is that your GT40 in the living room? | more on the finger plan | decolonizing architecture | Steven Holl is to receive the 2010 Jencks Award: Visions Built | worst urban sprawl | A house that you can wear? | Daniel Burnham: Mass Appeal | the architects of new Madras | overhauling the AA Parametrics out, diversification in | save Rem!

The blog wunderlust is a weekly round up summarizing the architectural highlights, news and web links, that don't otherwise fit the format of this blog. If you have any to share feel free to drop me an email

September 3, 2010

BIG's Loop City

A proposal for a new light rail line in Copenhagen by the Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG). The strategy combines the rail with strategies for energy exchange, waste management, water treatment and electric car stations allowing the infrastructure to become the base for a new sustainable ring of development around Copenhagen.

Master Architect – David Chipperfield

ARTS.21 reveals the discreet signature style of the English master architect David Chipperfield

Trouble in Utopia

September 2, 2010

on the boards: River Warehouse

The parametrically design façade takes it's cues from the barns for drying tobacco, that had slits for allowing natural ventilation. This urban warehouse by Endemic architecture, on the banks of the river Hudson river, New York, combine passive cooling with solar collection through the eyes of the façade.

September 1, 2010

house of the week 83: Lee House

Eliot Lee and Eun Sun Chun, architects living in New York (he's a partner at Steven Harris Architects, she's a partner at 212box), collaborated on this rammed-earth compound in the Napa Valley for Lee's parents. Before embarking on the design process, they consulted with another design couple—Eric and Silvina Blasen, of Blasen Landscape Architecture in San Anselmo, California—to establish an integrated plan.

via Remodelista and for more
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