February 27, 2006

Eyecandy features Irish Architects Grafton

February 26, 2006

Bibliography and portfolios of Glenn Murcutt, Rick Leplastrier, Lindsay Johnston, and Peter Stutchbury at Architecture Foundation Australia

February 25, 2006

Business Week interviews Prince-Ramus from OMA-NY

February 24, 2006

Atelier Oi, the practice abandoned specialisation and try to work in as many disciplines as possible,'to connect them in new and often unexpected ways.'

and the best thing I've seen all week

February 23, 2006

more FOG

via arcspace

oh and check out boxtank
Life without Buildings takes some shots at the recently unveiled Ruzo Alzhemier Institute in Las Vegas by Frank Gehry

February 21, 2006

love the box, be the box...

Suppose Design

and they are boxtastic

McNamara Alumni Center, Minnesota, designed by Architect Antoine Predock, is the recipient of the 2006 AIA Gold Medal.

see more at Architecture Week

but what about this medal?

February 20, 2006

"Bercy Chen Studio is a progressive design build firm based in Austin Texas. The design work ranges from residential to mix use commercial projects. Selected Bercy Chen Studio projects includes Azul- a spa in Malinalco Mexico, a 3 story multiuse building on East 11 th street in Austin, and a penthouse apartment in Taipei , Taiwan."

via archinect and more..."Sex Advice From Urban Planners"
The deadline for HotSeat 2 is coming up on March 31. This is a great opportunity for all designers to have one of your creations developed into a line for a major manufacturer.

HotSeat is a chair competition presented by OFS and Metropolis Magazine.

Design Criteria: Incorporate wood in materials usage, sustainable, progressive, accessible, aesthetically pleasing, technologically relevant, environmentally conscious.

Finalists will be awarded a trip to Dallas, TX to present their designs at the opening of OFS' Dallas Showroom. The winning entry will also have their design developed and incorporated into the OFS product offering

Deadline: March 31, 2006.
For more information visit

February 17, 2006

images of the Malecon in Havana, Richard Meier in Barcelona, and me at Arch-in-red* click below

text in Italian
minusplus_architects is a Budapest based architecture and research studio founded in 2002

February 16, 2006

February 14, 2006

I was snooping around We-Make-Money-Not-Art and found this amazing proposal that really capitalises its use of structure.

The elegant structure that resembles a honeycomb is designed by Architect Michel Rojkind, from Mexico for the "Your Absolute" competition.

February 13, 2006

what's going on...

Originally uploaded by architechnophilia.
February Construction photos of the addition to the Government Headquarters in Brades, Montserrat. You can also see a huge ash cloud in the background - looking like airbrushed clouds

February 12, 2006

"...the idea that by building well, we civilise ourselves, become culturally and emotionally enriched." Richard Rogers interviewed by the Guardian

"I don't understand why everyone has to wear black, grey and white."

February 10, 2006


After a week of very subtle buildup, Tropolism is pleased to announce the first open-sourced architectural contest, Your Hidden City.

The contest is simple: post your photos (with a caption) to our public Flickr pool (or email them to us for posting), and our jury will select their favorites in five categories. The winners will be posted to Tropolism.

The theme of the contest is uncovering the Hidden City, your Hidden City, the one you see every day. It may be in plain sight of everyone else, but it is your eye that finds the extraordinariness in a particular street corner, a unique stair, a crazy intersection, a visually arresting approach, or a particular tree in the city. The photographs can be of a beautiful (and perhaps unpublished) park, or as simple as the sun hitting a particular building at a particular time of day. Please include a caption, or a Flickr annotation, about what makes it extraordinary to you. The entries should have one thing in common: they demonstrate, to you, the pleasure of living in the city.

The jury is a set of bloggers who write about architecture, urbanism, and landscape design. They are:

Lisa Chamberlain of Polis and who also covers real estate for the New York Times

David Cuthbert of architechnophilia

Geoff Manaugh of BLDGBLOG

Shawn Micallef of Toronto Psychogeography Society Blog

Miss Representation

Jimmy Stamp of Life Without Buildings

The 5 Categories are:

Best Hidden Place
Best Density
Best Natural/Urban Overlap
Best Unofficial Landmark
Best Building

We will keep the contest open until March 10, 2006, and post winners the week of March 20. Good Luck!

February 9, 2006


"You can't photograph that building. Only people who have been there can experience it," Steven Holl in the NY Times

"That is the architecture I do, looking for new, different forms. Surprise is key in all art," Oscar Niemeyer on Reuters

“I’m sorry, I’m wearing normal black socks today!” Toyo Ito in ICON

Le Courbusier's 1960 painting, "Composition Avec Femme"

February 8, 2006

Competition winner

UN Studio
Te Papa Museum
Wellington, New Zealand

“A sculptural external form with an exceptional contemporary interior.”

link via arcspace
I was working on some contract stuff and came across this mistyped line, "Any blemishes shall be made god immediately after striking." What a slip that was - but an accurate slip of sorts; the more remarkable fair faced concrete works take an effort likened to the touch of God. Here are a few examples...enjoy.

February 7, 2006

Wish I were working from home today -

baby this one is for you..

Interview with Edouard Francois on Design Boom

"please describe an evolution in your work, from your first projects to the present day".
In the beginning my projects were boring and now they are super projects!

February 6, 2006

Displaying a dark closed block, the curved roof is pulled far down at the corners with the entire building enclosed in a 12-cm-thick shell made of basalt lava.

Museum Moderner Kunst (Museum of Modern Art), Vienna by Architects Ortner+Ortner
RIBA Journal has a new face.

February 5, 2006

Hertl Architects

Photos of the new Peace Centre in Oslo, Norway by Adjaye Associates

link via danda

February 4, 2006

no Friday fetish

Sorry about the lack of post on Friday. I sometimes forget that there is a downside to being an architect - contracts. They can be time consuming depending on the project. But its a necessary evil.

February 2, 2006

Rest Area
Originally uploaded by tiffibunny.
a slice through the sky. A rest stop in Idaho

February 1, 2006

Pink House

Pink House
Originally uploaded by architechnophilia.
Some tradtional architecture I saw on a drive around Montserrat. This was in Upper Friths.
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