October 31, 2005

High Museum & Woodruff Centre

Originally uploaded by architechnophilia.
Recent visit to the Renzo Piano extension to the High Museum & Woodruff Centre. Original works by architect Richard Meier.

October 26, 2005

"..they create spaces that you remember" RG Architecture.
A bit too traditional for my liking but a nicely designed site

Call for Entries - Metropolis Next Generation

Metropolis is looking to identify the Next Generation of Big Ideas. They are offering $10,000 to an individual or team of designers seeking to develop a BIG idea that will make our designed environment better, safer, and more sustainable. The competition is open to any student or designer practicing for ten years or less. Deadline 15th December 2005.

check the website for more.

Dream BIG, Do GOOD, Design BOLD.

October 24, 2005

Next week I'll be travelling again, this time visiting Atlanta. The timing is perfect corresponding with the opening of the new Woodruff Arts Centre by Renzo Piano Building Workshop and a chance to see the original High Museum by Richard Mieir - photos sure to come.
"...the scale of the project is irrelevant. Regardless of the size or the program, the tension between society and architecture is our drive to generate design" Moriko Kira

Sleek and modern interiors by Stephen Roberts Inc

October 23, 2005

October 21, 2005

On the Boards...

New Mediatheque by Zaha Hadid
For those of you who love her work...

And now for something completely different...

Archigram's bubble

October 20, 2005

Fire Station & Rescue Centre by Architects Ibos & Vitart

October 19, 2005

Hotel Unique, by architect Ruy Ohtake past feature on Archidose

PLACE Architects

October 18, 2005

I don't like macs....

but they are brilliantly designed.

The British Council interviews the designer of such iconic objects such as the ipod & imac, Jonathan Ive. "His translucent Power Mac G4 Cube, which resembled postmodern sculpture more than office equipment" as quoted in FastCompany


October 17, 2005

Torre Agbar by Jean Nouvel

Louver detail

posted on Archinect by schoolblog poster Oliver Bayliss
Charles Menefee

Online portfolio with some fine free hand sketches


more from Mansilla + Tunon

October 16, 2005

Mansilla Tunon


Originally uploaded by architechnophilia.
image worth a thousand words? In this cause it replaces a sigh of relief

October 14, 2005

Without an architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilization.
(Frank Lloyd Wright)

give me that SEX

Metro Stations, Naples, Italy. Previously featured in the April issue of the Architectural Review "the works are an exciting collaboration between Anish Kapoor and Future Systems...the proposal comprises two subway entrances and a cavernous tunnel link"

this is archi-porn at its best if you ask me

October 13, 2005


In Dubai, a zany boomtown afloat in plastic fantasy, unbridled ambition and rivers of cold cash.
Bigger. Brighter. More outlandish. Construction-fevered Dubai is almost Gatsby-esque in its audacious thirst for reinvention. This once-sleepy port of pearl traders and pirates is gunning to turn itself into one of the great capitals of the postmodern world.

More here

its all about PreFab

Granted ICON might think its boring (that and blogs) I've decided to post a little on the prefabricated come back.

Royal Homes - fairly modern looking shares alot with traditional methods of construction.
then there's TOMA house these resemble Balinese cottages but are very contemporary in their construction methods

For WAY more

October 12, 2005

Roaches on flickr

Originally uploaded by festeban.
Photos of Calatrava's latest attempt

October 11, 2005


Imagine a world where buildings are constructed of low-cost modular elements which have been produced to extremely high tolerances in a factory and then transported to site to be assembled quickly and easily. Imagine if these elements could then be endlessly recycled and reconfigured. Well, they’re called bricks and they’ve been around for about 3,000 years.

ICON 27 article on what's "BORING"

October 10, 2005

Architects David Baker + Partners

I particulary appreciate the social side of this practice, as well as its family orientation.

October 9, 2005

Koolhaas now doing shoes?? The story begins with an architect trying to mend a broken heart, what better way to do it than with shoes. Dillusioned with fashion and not wanting to create yet another shoe design company or architecture studio he instead sets out to reject seasonal changes, and thus United Nude was created.

With shoe names like fold, porn, and mobius it reads like a satire, definately worth a look.

more FWI

More from the French West Indies (FWI)
Zac de Dothmare, Guadeloupe

Zac de Dothmare, Guadeloupe

October 7, 2005

We just had a timber fabricator in office showing us some beautiful engineered timbers (a means to resolve the current high cost of steel)

This project had us salivating, its a sports stand in Les Saintes, a small province of Guadeloupe (its actually a small island accessible only by boat south of the mainland)

Score one more for the froggys eh melon?

Pratt Institute's new $10.5 million Higgins Hall Centre by architect Steven Holl has now opened.

October 6, 2005

Learning from...New Orleans

Commentary on post-disaster lessons for future development.

Calibe (Thompson), singer/songwriter who was formally trained as an architect (Caribbean School of Architecture) has now signed with Shang Records.

more here.

Battersby Howat

airport development

Another airport getting the overhaul before the World Cup is the Grantley Adams International Airport in Barbados by Queens Quay Architects (Q2) from Canada

thanks melon

October 5, 2005

Inspired by the debate in the comments page of the Shuwa Tei Asada residence posted on Friday, this is what melon calls a truly beautiful box.

Its Portuguese. Naturally.

What is it about Portugal and neighbouring Spain that produces such elegant restraint amongst the exuberance of of their architectural heritage and their Joie de Vivre?).

House in Alenquer, Portugal, 1998-2000 by the brothers Manuel & Francisco Aires Mateus
Aires Mateus e Associados.

We like it - very much!

October 4, 2005


The material is constructed of mylar laminated over nylon reinforcing yarn and joined together by clear polycarbonate rivets. Assembled on the roof of M&A, the project was then lowered onto a series of cables. The courtyard beneath hums with an accompanying ambient-sound installation by composer James Lumb. The installation will be open to the public until its dismantling at the end of November.

October 3, 2005

October 2, 2005

D'arcy Jones Design Inc

D'arcy Jones small design studio from Vancouver

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