May 31, 2005

st johns antigua

st johns antigua
Originally uploaded by architechnophilia.
Looking up Redcliffe Quay, the density and slope of the landscape is only obvious from this angle, otherwise the island looks as flat as a dime

from Life without Buildings

"Now I know I'm a whore for all things Alsop, and although I don't agree with all his methods, he's a damn exciting guy and it's nice to see someone breathing some life into the industry."

lwob - make sure to take a look at the BMW building by Zaha Hadid - SEXY!

Baby J's

Baby J's
Originally uploaded by architechnophilia.
Vegetarian restaurant overlooking Carrs Bay in the north coast of Montserrat.

You just have to love the rastaman's colours. My Japanese co-worker believes this is the most beautiful painted building on island - not far off if you ask me.

Mariott Hotel

Mariott Hotel
Originally uploaded by architechnophilia.
In referrence to previous post

New Construction in Trinidad

Originally uploaded by architechnophilia.
New multi-story office complex outside Port of Spain, Trinidad. Adjacent to it is the new Mariott Courtyard.

Star Wars to immediate Starchitect? Maybe

Star Wars actor Hayden Christensen has revealed that he might give up acting for architecture.

He told the Sun: "I don't find Hollywood interesting, so I'm thinking about studying architecture instead ."
I wonder if the hyped will be as touted as Brad Pitt....something to watch for I'm sure.


May 27, 2005

IntelliCAD v.6.0

IntelliCAD's latest version has arrived. This is the famed software that uses AutoCAD commands and dwg and dwf drawings with ease. This amazing software costs fractions; and more importantly will become in a few weeks my primary software in the office. Always root for the underdogs.
And to the populars and haters, IntelliCAD has been on the block for a few and it aint going anywhere.

May 26, 2005

Beautiful modern buildings in brasília (say that three times fast)

Brasília, DF
Originally uploaded by ana_maria_.
Been sniffing around looking at things to see in Brasilia. Been thinking of a trip there for a while, so I'm doing a little research. See more here.

Antigua at night

Originally uploaded by architechnophilia.
Spent the entire evening waiting around the airport in Antigua, got this lovely night shot of the new Pavillion restaurant.

May 25, 2005

bad bad blogger

Love is a funny thing - yes, I've been a bad bad blogger because of a girl. Images are loaded tho - should I redubbed the site version 1.2 on return?

May 24, 2005

bad poster

Been having a few days off three countries in a week - lots of Caribbean urban photos to share.

May 20, 2005

Project Architect Needed

OBM International
Project Architect Position

Applications are invited by the Turks & Caicos Islands office of OBM
International from highly motivated, qualified individuals for the position
of Project Architect.
Applicants should be RIBA part III qualified (or US or Canadian equivalent),
with five to seven years post qualification experience in design detailing,
construction document development, and contract management in housing,
commercial, and condominium and / or hospitality development.
High levels of proficiency in AutoCAD 2000, MS Word, MS Project and MS Excel
are required. Experience in JCT, AIA or Canadian equivalent, contracts

Candidates should forward CV to the

OBM International
Attn: Brian J. Macdonald
Managing Director
PO Box 100, Providenciales
Fax: (649) 946-4519
Website: OBMI

May 19, 2005

Historically & culturally significant

From the immortal words of Robert Nesta Marley (Bob Marley), "trenchtown rock!"

May 18, 2005

Look see

Cornerstone Architects

This has been recommended by an archi-friend in Trinidad. It happens
also to be some friends that I think do awesome work both in practice
and in the classroom. Thanks guys for inspiring many - this is just a
small way to say thanks from many!

the bad link is now fixed

first post away

Welcome all new visitors to my blog.
I'm in Trinidad and have spent the morning meeting with potential candidates for the office. Very different personalities - but thats a completely different topic.
I will soon be posting photos of a beautiful church built on a roadway prior to the road being re-aligned its quite a sight. This island is beautiful though lots to see, granted I can't seem to take my eyes of the architecture and look at the pretty women - go figure.

May 16, 2005

wax on wax off

"Outdoors and indoors are inseparable; they are complementary and supplementary, two sides of the same door."

—Garrett Eckbo

May 15, 2005

Leaving on a jet plane...

Will be travelling to Trinidad and Jamaica, over the next few days interviewing candidates for the new positions in the office. I should have some lovely photos to share on return and maybe have a profile or two on some regional practices - I'll see what I can do within the time. I will make the best effort to upload some whilst on my travels.

May 14, 2005

more modern

Worth a look, beautiful sketches!

May 13, 2005

give me MODERN or give me death

Originally uploaded by Remiss63.
Okay a bit over the top but can you blame me - this is gorgeous!

Salem Nursey

Salem Nursey
Originally uploaded by architechnophilia.
bye bye rat infested building! Its such painful sorry to see you go. Very few iconographically Caribbean buildings left on this island. Oh well this one had to go!

Special Needs Housing, Lookout

Originally uploaded by architechnophilia.
I love this set of buildings, constructed by my co-worker Atsumi, just prior to my arrival. The colours and informality of it are quite unique to the region.

BD Online

Just reading through the recent bd online and it contains really bad pictures with poor resolution. I hate to slag them, but the printed copy is so refined, shame to see the web version fall so far short.

In other news, work is hitting me for six (for non-cricket fans I apologise for the analogy). Because of these impending interviews were are conducting off-island - and subsequently my vacation, I am forced to resolve these capital projects with the clients before I go. Anyhow, less griping more work.

May 10, 2005

bauhaus dessau

bauhaus dessau
Originally uploaded by jottkam.
All hail the Bauhaus! I think I'll name my next dog bauhaus...heh heh.

Holocaust Memorial

holocaust memorial 2
Originally uploaded by jottkam.
Peter Eisenman's monument to the murdered Jews has recently been opened. Based on the "staele" or tomb slabs historically placed to commemorate the dead it stands as a silent reflection to those murdered.

What's this?

Just happened upon this site. The photographs are fantastic but the writing is pure bollocks, spelling errors abound and phrases like, "...proponent of Modernism and Italian Fascism when both things still seemed like a good idea." Hmm not too sure what to make of that - but at least we can enjoy the images.

Thanks Much

To everyone who has sent me a comment about the page, thanks!

Renezdvous/ Little Bay

Went to look at the ruins of the 17th to 19th village in Little Bay, hosted by Dr. Pulshifer acclaimed archeologist who first unearthed the remains a couple decades ago. Alot of the stone work is in place, well as numerous artefacts scattered around at your feet. Only problem with all of this is that it is placed right smack in the middle of the Little Bay development.

May 9, 2005

Copenhagen's Opera House

Copenhagen's Opera House
Originally uploaded by ssn.
Does anyone know if this is by Jean Nouvel, it has that KKL vibe to it. Love that overhang seems to want to tip right into the water.

Educational Building Source Book

Met with an OECS academic consultant today about putting together the Caribbean's first Educational Building Source Book. On completion it should serve as a guide for all academic development in the Caribbean. A serious undertaking of which I am writing the first draft for. It will exist in two parts one for administrators and another for design professionals. The first part, for administrators while be comprised mostly of questions to raise, depending on the type of development (early education, secondary, tertiary, etc) regarding the use and users of the facility, with expected answers and advice on the reverse. The other aspect of course will be more in depth compiled of existing examples, profiling professionals involved, materials as well as the complimentary drawings. This will serve as a more detailed document developed from the likes of the PAHO/WHO disaster mitigation documents and seminars for Health Facilities.

Garfield the movie

Now I don't know about the rest of you but I'm slightly disturbed by this Garfield - the Movie. I thought John, Garfield's owner was supposed to be poor. In the movie he sits on an Aeron Chair, drives a Volvo Saloon, and has the phatest mac in his little bungalow ala Greene & Greene.

Get your mind out of the...

From the folks who brought you Curbed, introducing The Gutter, "[an] Ill-mannered commentary on the architectural arts."

May 8, 2005

architectureless weekend

Had an architectureless weekend - right who am I kidding, I read my copy of Content and re-read my ICON magazine the one with David Adjaye (David the man!) on the cover.

May 6, 2005

gates by Christo

Originally uploaded by fish2000.
why not?


Originally uploaded by anselmogz.
I just like this image and it suits my pensive mood at the moment

May 5, 2005


I think its about time I took this bloody thing public. Folks don't be afraid to leave a comment - the more suggestions I have the better I can make it.

This is me just showing you architecture through my critical eyes - what I see around me. In case you don't know I'm an architect working in Montserrat (that's the really small island with the BIG volcano that blew in 1995) . I love architecture and this site is just another manifestion of my fetish towards it - enjoy architechnophilia!

St. Johns Cathedral

Originally uploaded by architechnophilia.
viewed from my hotel room at Heritage Hotel - it was a sunday and nothing better to do

May 3, 2005

Bringing it back home

modernism revisted
Originally uploaded by architechnophilia.
Waiting for Downtown Kingston to be a safer place to live. Then I want to live here in a nice loft on the top floor.

I've grown up seeing this place, and I think it is why I have a deep seeded love for barrell-roofs

May 2, 2005

10 reminders for better architecture

10 reminders for better architecture

1 invent nothing

2 mix everything

3 consult artists

4 refine simply

5 take it further

6 remain enigmatic

7 embrace the old

8 separate shell from contents

9 be bold

10 get to the point

Lack of Public Space - Jamaica

Again it seems that view that there is a general lack of public space + venues within the northern parts of the Kingston Metropolitian area (St.Andrew). It seems to be turning swiftly into a dormitory town - or suburbia. Would love to see more public facilities away from commerce and retail injected into this part of Jamaica.

As God intended?

Originally uploaded by jrguitar21.
Modern church in Cuenca

school colours

Gesamtschule Aachen
Originally uploaded by MrTopf.
Found this image on nice use of colours - very much my taking. Will continue to look for more like this.

May 1, 2005

New Terminal Building Opens

The new Terminal building in Montserrat has recently been opened (14th April 2005). The yet unnamed terminal building will now replace the heliport building, whilst the runaway and tarmack development continue. The existing heliport building is to be converted into air cargos offices for the new airport facility.

Airport in Montserrat

think local, act global

my attempt at putting architecture from the Caribbean p'online!

criticisms, portfolios and links

architecture all day, everyday
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