May 28, 2008

MoPo 2008

Eikongraphia's recap of the best "most popular" architecture blogs for 2008.

we are no.12 - so thanks to the fans

MoPo 2008

2. City of Sound
3. Archidose
4. Pruned
5. Interactive Architecture
6. Architecture.mnp
7. Subtopia
8. Life Without Buildings
9. Tropolism
10. Mirage Studio 7
11. Strange Harvest
12. Architechnophilia
13. The Where Blog
14. The Arch
15. Super Colossal
16. Sit down man, you’re a bloody tragedy
17. Brand Avenue
18. Architecture Chicago Plus
19. Hugh Pearman
20. Varnelis
21. Lebbeus Woods
22. Part IV
23. Eye Candy
24. Architectural Videos
25. Kosmograd

check out the review by candyland...interesting to say the least


when architects design

"A chair is a very difficult object. A skyscraper is almost easier. That is why Chippendale is famous."

Mies van der Rohe, Time magazine, 18 February, 1957

The perception of architects are that we are most challenged by big projects, the bigger they are the greater the challenge. Ahh alas but the smaller projects can cause as much if not greater grief. Here is a visual taste of architects' attempt at furniture design.

The Wassily Chair by Marcel Breuer

Easy chair by Frank Gehry

Chaise Lounge by Le Corbusier

Nomos table by Norman Foster

Aqua table by Zaha Hadid

West Seating by Amanda Levete/ Future Systems

Barcelona Couch (1929) designed by Mies van der Rohe

the Long Chair is a bench made from a continuous steel tube designed by Schemata Architects

May 26, 2008

images of the CCTV building by OMA

blog wunderlust: 26 May 2008

Jackson Pollack | Origami: furniture | for your car | 50 ways to help the planet | container heaven | the last modern architect? | Hotel Palafitte: rising tides | Biggest drawing in the world | Design & the Elastic Mind

May 22, 2008

in the words of Monty Python, "and now for something completely different"

, described as suits containing the negative space of specific structures that allow a wearer to fit into, or onto, structures designed to deny them. These clothing allow an intervention with spaces meant to prohibit occupation.

May 21, 2008

The Orquideorama by architects Plan B, located in the Medellin Botanical Gardens in Colombia


May 20, 2008

between Cooking and Architecture

This posting at first glance may be about the interstitial space between architecture and the art of cooking or referring to the intersection of food and architecture...where good edible design exists. It reminds me of the television programme with a pastry chef making these fantastic cakes in remarkable forms...including the Sistine chapel. But alas it really recalls de Geuze infamous remarks about us, that "Architects are like Seagulls, they make alot of noise, the eat alot of food, and they leave shit everywhere"

Cooking for Engineers
Pop-up shops

links to similar:
Liao Yusheng
Architectural Maccheroni

Food + Architecture
Eating Architecture
John Pawson's Living & Eating
the Cooked Kitchen
the Architect, the Cook and good taste

May 7, 2008

blog wunderlust : 7 May 2008

no vacancy | a denser solution for Kingston | the art of death | learning from architecture | look at what you eat | An architect's wit | Bondi Blue turns 10 | Gulf Architecture: A Tale of 3 Cities | the art of death II |

May 6, 2008

blog wunderlust: 06 May 2008

sleep with old Blue Eyes | misery | green think urbanism | the biological growth of cities | Working with Le Corbusier | modern retreats | daily dose: Chamber Orchestra of Cascais | from blog to books: first Bldg Blg now Apartment Therapy | airstream delight | skin architecture

May 1, 2008

10 x 10

Silvio Rech 10x10 South Africa Sketch Proposal
I can't help thinking that the way new architecture is being published internationally—so fast that you can see the same things simultaneously in every country—makes it more difficult for younger architects to take their time to find their own way of expression
- Raili Pietil

Breaking the Modernist Mold
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