February 28, 2013

On the Boards: Skyscraper 2050

ARUP's research and development division, Foresight have proposed what the skyscraper in 2050 would look like for a city of 9 billion. The team suggests that skyscrapers of the future will provide on-site energy and water production, waste management as well as be hubs for subterranean transportation. Via

February 25, 2013

blog wunderlust: 25th February 2013

The work of design is not to skin stuff. It’s not to put a nice dumb box around whatever is inside. It’s the whole conception. Design should deliver the whole ecosystem.
Yves Béhar (fuseproject)

image (c) Wirdou

Richard Meier celebrates fifty years of architecture | An Eco-Modular Classroom That Helps Kids Learn | Allowing greenfield development would "wreck" London – Richard Rogers | The rebirth of the Eichler | Bahamian Hotels to Go Green | For safer, prettier cities pick a woman to build them | In Photos: Palm Springs Modernism | Cramped photographs of Hong Kong Cubicle Apartments | Fuck Yeah Brutalism

controversy: And the winner is...

last word: Gehry Reggae Museum - No Insult Intended

February 22, 2013

The Competition - Trailer

February 20, 2013

Interiors : Urca Penthouse

The 700m2 penthouse designed by architect Arthur Casas is located in Urca, a wealthy neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The clean cut and restrained detailing coupled with vintage furnishings gives the apartment a faithful balance between being minimal and homely. The interior carefully combines glass and off white finishes, with wooden built in pieces like the library bookshelves, planters, seating and the counters. The apartment also affords breathtaking seafront views and to the Pão de Açúcar in the distance.

More via

House of the Week 162: Maracanã House

The Maracanã House in São Paulo, Brazil was designed by Danilo Earth of Brazilian practice Earth and Tuma Arquitectos Asociados. The rough bare appearance at the entry is translated to the spartan interior of exposed concrete blockwork and flooring. The open plan living areas unfold to lush walled gardens, attempting to find balance with the natural and man-made surroundings.

February 18, 2013

blog wunderlust: 18th February 2013

Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication
Leonardo da Vinci

David Benjamin and the future of architecture | Evil Twins and Stealing Beauty | The 100 Largest Architecture Firms In the World | How we can improve the impact of urban living on health and wellbeing | In pictures: Architectural Review Project Awards | Women in Sustainable Architecture: Kirsten Henson | 8 Valentines From Architects | An Architect's Geometric Getaway | Sou Fujimoto's Cloud of Steel for 2013 Serpentine Pavilion

last word: Architecture, Independence, and Identity in the Commonwealth Caribbean

February 14, 2013

On the Boards: Luxury Apartments

A deluxe private residential development in Barbados by London based architectural practice MAKE. The proposed development was inspired by sea shells, evidenced in the layout that provides privacy and unimpeded views of the sea.

On the Boards: Kunsthalle Mannheim

German practice gmp architects (von Gerkan, Marg and Partners) have won a closed competition to design the new Kunsthalle Mannheim. The louvred facade and palette of the proposed scheme contrasts with the city context with its choice of colours and materials aiding to the structure's dynamic presence.

On the Boards: Baimbridge Lycée Général et Technologique

Architects Pile et Face have proposed a renovation to the Baimbridge Lycée Général et Technologique (general high and techology college) located in Les Abymes, Guadeloupe. The new works will include modern sporting grounds, classrooms and facilities.

February 11, 2013

blog wunderlust: 11th February 2013

Architecture is a discipline that speaks to all your senses.
Pierre de Meuron
National Register of Historic Places Recognizes Two Post-War Parks | 180-Foot Tall Mural In Brazil: In Memory of Oscar Niemeyer | ‘Buildings’ That Literally Suck | Hillary Clinton uses Frank Gehry's architecture as an analogy for how to restructure world policies | Balthazar Korab, Architectural Photographer, Dies at 86 | RIBA awards gold medal to architecture’s man of mystery

controversy: Of all things to stop starchitect Bjarke Ingels in his plans for world domination, a TREE!

last word: The Beautiful Hand-Drawn Home Facades Of Burkina Faso

February 8, 2013

Making Room

Introducing Making Room: a research, design and advocacy project to shape New York’s housing stock to address the changing needs of how we live now. Find out more via

Making Room from Urban Omnibus on Vimeo.

Delaine Isaac's #MyGroundZero Trailer

The first in a series of 3 trailers making up My Ground Zero, a documentary that spans the years before and after, from its 9/11 events to the reconstruction, tributes and monuments a decade later.

February 7, 2013

On the Boards: Xcalacoco

Xcalacoco, designed by Mexican practice Hierve, is a proposed apartment complex located on a long heavily landscaped site infront of the Caribbean sea . Each apartment building has only 7 122m2 units with facades that open to control the sunlight and privacy. The floors of each block is painted in a different sharp color, resembling the colours used on the local fishing boats.

February 4, 2013

blog wunderlust: 04 February 2013

The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of the cheapest price is forgotten.

The "Ultima" Tower, Two-mile High Sky City | Le Corbusier's Ecology: What Modern Architecture Teaches Us About Green Design | life at the top - what a window washer sees | In Renderings for a Library Landmark, Stacks of Questions | Save the Architecture Learning for Graduate School | An Architect Gone Mad: Mysterious Buildings Assembled from Found Photographs by Jim Kazanjian and Architectural Photography That Breaks Your Brain On Second Glance |

last word: Hall Of Fame Museum Insult

February 1, 2013


Miami Beach is legendary for many things – and a parking garage is now on that list. It's known as Eleven Eleven, and it has changed people’s perception about what a utilitarian structure can be; and has ignited conversations worldwide about its design and use. This garage has reshaped the urban fabric of the city and people are going there to get married, relax, and enjoy a cocktail.

ELEVEN ELEVEN is a Semifinalist in the $200,000 FOCUS FORWARD Filmmaker Competition.

SEEDocs : Making an impact in Peru

Re-building of the Maria Auxiliadora School from Happy Hearts Fund, SURA and Architecture for Humanity.

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