June 8, 2010

what's with the horses??

Whilst searching for a suitable choice for the regular House of the Week feature I came across a stunning trend. It turns out for that "perfect image" devoid of such extraneous features such as furniture and people - architects, designers and photographers have opted to place live animals in their photography alas not just your regular domestic fare but instead farm animals, mostly horses. Now the use of people or landscape has often been used in architectural photography for scale but does the average person know how tall a horse is??


Anonymous said...

Great point. I would not know what the average size of a bull is (although I hear it all the time), but the placement of the animals does help make it more interesting...almost artsy.

wayfinding signage said...

The animals certainly add something! Interesting post!

Anonymous said...

The horse is a major philosophycal, classical and literary reference. Plato uses the horse as the example for the theory of the cave - the theory that presents the essence concept for the first time.
There was this huge importance of the relation of man and horse in classical times (bucephalus and alexander the great). and the reminder of that in Shakespeare 'my kingdom for a horse!'. the horse is also a very elegant animal, and has an aura of the magical world - pegasus.
I could go on, but that would be too much, I think :)

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