August 28, 2009

Mon oncle

August 24, 2009

blog wunderlust: 24 August 2009

Based on some recent feedback (to save the cad monkeys watching movie clips on a Monday morning) the blogwunderlust and our film feature will be switching places.

world's oldest map | the final Wright | architects in entertainment | retail farming | rooms enclosed by nature | Oy, Danny, What a Mezuzah! | modern mobile rooms | Will quits |

also check the architects in film post that has doubled in size since it was posted last week.

August 21, 2009

film Friday?

Opening sequence to Peter Greenaway's Belly of an Architect starring Brian Dennehy

August 20, 2009

on the boards: British Pavilion (Shanghai Expo)

Marks Barfield architects' competition entry (see previously) for the 2010 Shanghai Exposition British Pavilion derived from tree structures.

on the boards: Greenpoint Stadium

A 2006 competition entry for a World Cup football stadium in Cape Town, South Africa by BVN Architects

on the boards: Catholic School

A proposal for a Catholic high school in Bruges-Ostend, Belgium by architects BURO II that develops a new campus alongside a busy highway combining academic facilities with a public park and a residential estates.

August 19, 2009

house of the week 036: Bangkok House

Bangkok house by Australian architects Jackson Clements Burrows is a two storey dwelling in Thailand split into two wings for the parents and children divided by the pool and courtyard

August 17, 2009


Untitled from mark mitchell on Vimeo.

architects + film

following the inspiration from the Wondersphere i'm posting what I am hoping will become the definitive list of architects in film

the architect as a lead or supporting role
the Black Cat (1934) - Boris Karloff
Mrs Miniver (1942) - Walter Pidgeon
The Fountainhead (1949) - Gary Cooper
Strangers when we meet (1960) - Kirk Douglas
The World of Suzie Wong (1960) - William Holden
Two for the Road (1967) - Albert Finney
Don't Look Now (1973) - Donald Sutherland
Death Wish (1974) - Charles Bronson
The Towering Inferno (1974) - Paul Newman
Falling in Love Again (1980) - Elliot Gould
Three Men & a Baby (1987) - Tom Selleck
The Belly of an Architect (1987) - Brian Dennehey
Jungle Fever (1991) - Wesley Snipes
Housesitter (1992) - Steven Martin
Indecent Proposal (1993) - Woody Harrelson
Fearless (1993) - Jeff Bidges
Sleepless in Seattle (1993) - Tom Hanks
Intersection (1994) - Richard Gere
Cable Guy (1996) - Matthew Broderick
One Fine Day (1996) - Michelle Pfeiffer
There's Something About Mary (1998) - Lee Evans (pretends to be an architect/lecturer)
Heaven (1998) - Martin Donovan
Three to Tango (1999) - Matthew Perry & Oliver Platt
My Life as a House (2001) - Kevin Kline (sort of, his job was a model-maker)
In the Bedroom (2001) - Nick Stahl (architecture student)
Town & Country (2001) - Warren Beatty
Love Actually (2003) - Liam Neeson
Just Like Heaven (2005) - Mark Ruffalo (landscape architect)
The Quiet (2005) - Martin Donovan
White Noise (2005) - Michael Keaton
The Namesake (2006) - Kal Penn
The Lake House (2006)- Keanu Reeves
The Architect (2006) - Anthony LaPlaglia
Firewall (2006) - Virginia Madsen
The Last Kiss (2006) - Zach Braff
Breaking & Entering (2006) - Jude Law (landscape architect)
The Shaggy Dog (2006) - Kristin Davis
Something's New (2006) - Simon Baker (landscape architect)
You, Me and Dupree (2006) - Matt Dillon
My Super Ex-girlfriend (2006) - Luke Wilson
Click (2006) - Adam Sandler and David Hasselhoff
Why did I get Married (2007) - Malik Yoba
the Orphan (2009) - Peter Sarsgaard
500 Days of Summer (2009) - Joseph Gordon-Leavitt
It's Complicated (2009) - Steve Martin
Valentine's Day (2010) - Hector Elizondo
Inception (2010) - Ellen Page

Steve Martin and Martin Donovan are the only two actors to have played architects more than once.


Previously shown Villa Malaparte

In the film Le Mépris (1963), directed by Jean-Luc Godard the Villa is owned by a eager Jack Palance who plays an American movie producer. The movie also includes Brigitte Bardot, Georgia Moll, Michel Piccoli and Fritz Lang of Metropolis fame.

Lina Bo Bardi

Lina Bo Bardi / SESC Pompéia from 0300TV

August 14, 2009

blog wunderlust: 14 August 2009

Lady Gaga as architectural cipher | Louis Vuitton | toned down design | a puzzle for Brad | style conscious architects | I've always dreamnt of becoming an architect but these confessions are scaring the shit out of me

August 13, 2009

on the boards: city centre building

A proposal for a new city centre building at the UNC Charlotte campus by Kieran Timberlake architects is expected to commenced construction before the end of the year.

on the boards: amalgam (building for Bouwkunde)

Laura Alvarez architecture from Amsterdam, the Netherlands was co-awarded first place in the International open ideas competition Building for Bouwkunde which looked at the future of the faculty and TU Delft campus.


on the boards: Higher School of Music Headquarters

The design for the headquarters of the Higher School of Music in San Sebastián, Spain was recently awarded to GAZ architects.

August 12, 2009

house of the week 35: Villa Malaparte

The Villa Malaparte built between 1938 and 1942 on a high promontory in Punta Massullo, on the eastern side of the Isle of Capri, Italy. The house is a red masonry box with reverse pyramidal stairs leading to a roof sundeck patio. Designed by architect Adalberto Libera for the poet Curzio Malaparte sits on cliff 32 meters above the sea overlooking the Gulf of Salerno.

August 11, 2009

RIP - Charles Gwathmey

1938 - 2009, acclaimed architect highly noted for his work as one of the New York 5 in the late 1960s and including a sedated addition in 1992 to Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim Museum in Manhattan; died of cancer on the 3rd August. Charles Gwathmey formed his partnership with high school friend Robert Siegel in 1968 and built a practice mostly on residential works.

obituary on the times

August 10, 2009

SPF:a - National Music Centre

Sequencer from Studio Pali Fekete Architects on Vimeo.

Michael Jackson Memorial Competition

Although not a Michael Jackson fan, this could be quite interesting. I think I might enter

Takaharu Tezuka

Takaharu Tezuka Interview / Tezuka Architects from 0300TV

August 7, 2009

blog wunderlust: 07 August 2009

Banksy vs Bristol | 50 years of Mini | Making it Right - from intention to construction| landscape architecture can cure malaria | Why are there no new Frank Lloyd Wright buildings? | the architecture of farmed fuels | architecturally related podcast from Australia

The blog wunderlust is a weekly round up summarizing the architectural highlights, news and web links, that don't otherwise fit the format of this blog. If you have any to share feel free to drop me an email.

and check us out on tumblr

August 6, 2009

on the boards: Kayabasi Housing

A proposal for a 225,000 sq.m high density housing complex in Istanbul, Turkey by architects about:blank ABOUTBLANK.

edited 02 September 2009

on the boards: Re:Vision Dallas

One of three winning proposals, this by the partnerships of Atelier Data & MOOV for the Re:Vision Dallas competition.


on the boards: University of Lausanne

Architects Burckhardt + Partners competition entry for the faculties of social and political sciences, geosciences and environment at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

on the boards: BibLLLiotheek

NY based architects REX have been named the winner of the BibLLLiotheek competition to build a Library of the Future for the city of Kortrijk, Belgium. REX partnered with landscape architects Bureau Bas Smets for the design of the library and master plan of the area.Competition jury noted that the design by REX was “the most inspiring model,” and praised “the originality of the design approach compared to other design teams.”
more via

August 5, 2009

House of the Week 034: Thiang Residence

Designed by Bojan Simic to accommodate three generations of family in two houses clustered around internal courtyards for the family to come together.

August 4, 2009

Michael Graves Interview

Architechnophilia recently interviewed renowned architect and designer Michael Graves who has partnered with [yellow tail]wines. We spoke about architecture, Post Modernism, sustainability and wine.

Firstly, when did you make that initial step into product design?
For me, it started back in college. I designed every piece of furniture in my apartment. At that time, it probably wasn’t anything more than orange crates but I was proud of that work. That passion continued for me and never stopped.

Do you think architects approach product design differently than those formally trained in industrial design?
I’ve always considered myself a general practitioner. We are entering an era of specialization and I’ve always thought it was best to be well-versed in a number of areas. In the past architects designed not only the buildings but most everything in them.

Where did you find the inspiration for product design, and importantly for the wine glasses?
The inspiration usually starts when a client brings us the project. We find that most clients have a passion and excitement for their work and we feed off that. And the process goes from there.

For this new set of limited-edition [yellow tail] glasses that celebrate their wine[tails] recipe collection, we looked for inspiration to what the brand represented: fun, unpretentious – they aim to make wine accessible to all.

When the [yellow tail] people and our team sat down together, it was apparent that they had really turned the wine industry on its head. So, we had some fun with that.

The design of the glasses is based on a traditional cocktail glass but flipped on its head to showcase the fun and ‘unpretentiousness’ of a wine[tails] cocktail. Each glass is designed to provide the illusion of an inverted bottle within an individual glass shape.

Do you think as a culture we have moved into a new mode of ornamentation?

Functionality should never be lost in design. Ornamentation is important, but it should never be the sole purpose. It should fit within the functionality of sound design.

What are your thoughts on attempting to unite form & ornament in product design?
They complement each other well. We are in a minimalist society, where it’s often said that “less is more.” Well, sometimes “more is more.” So, ornament does play an important role, as long it complements the function.

Your products although ergonomic typically have a playful twist to it, can we expect the same with your proposals for Yellow Tail?
The [yellow tail] brand demands it. The brand is so playful and fun, that you can’t deliver a good design if it doesn’t capture those qualities.

The actual project assignment was to create glasses for a program they have called wine[tails] – which pretty much break the rules of wine by telling people it’s okay to mix wine with other ingredients to create flavorful cocktail drinks. It flips wine on its head, so to speak.

What is the role of sustainability in design - be it architecture or housewares?
While it has become a buzzword, sustainability for us is a "big picture" proposition. We are the stewards of our planet and we owe it to ourselves and future generations to preserve and enhance (not just sustain!) our natural resources. Our architectural practice belongs to the U.S. Green Building Council and we incorporate sustainable and energy-efficient features in our buildings as a matter of course. For example, in a planning or architecture project, we look at how to balance built and open space, what materials are used, how the air quality affects the wellness of the inhabitants, how water is recycled, and so on.

Why did post-modernism sound so good but unable to survive critical perception?
Post-modernism initially was a reaction to the abstract nature of commercial modernism that was prevalent in the middle of the 20th century, which many found alienating. I coined the phrase "figurative architecture" (and by extension "figurative design") to refer to a way of working that allowed the use of both the traditional and familiar language of forms (and color) and the lessons of modern composition to be part of our work. It was around that time that I was referred to as a post-modernist. I still think that is a valid way of thinking. However, because people associated post-modernism with particular forms and colors, it was regarded as a style rather than a way of working. Like Art Deco, I suppose. Once those forms and colors were imitated throughout commercial architecture, like the abstract commercial modernism that preceded it, it became hackneyed. Even though I've been associated with the origins of post-modernism, I don't refer to myself as a post-modernist in the stylistic sense.

Last question, red or white? Cabernet or Chardonnay? What's your preference?

How about both? I don’t know; I really do enjoy them all.

Michael Graves is designing for a limited set wine glasses to accompany [yellow tail]’s new wine-based cocktail recipes that will be auctioned in November this year.

August 3, 2009

555 KUBIK | facade projection | from urbanscreen on Vimeo.

Fabrica Architecture

Fabrica architecture

a short featuring a rather striking yet minimal building.

August 2, 2009


This architect is leaving the islands for the bustle of the city
architechnophilia will be coming to you live from Cleveland, Ohio
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