November 27, 2007

new IKEA adverts

cross your eyes and you may notice that the plans says, PLAY | LIVE | CREATE


Anonymous said...

lol, Please don't post ads into my feed reader, bro!

I am under a constant enough bombardment, I assure you :).

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. Ads in everyone's feed reader.

How bout a nice cup of "an starchitect's bullshit: revealed by the township of Bilbao" to soothe those existential woes?

Anonymous said...

i saw these the other day, i think they're ingenious! great post, love the blog.

Bella said...

Too cool!

Kris said...

good catch mad architect! thank you for posting these and pointing that out (I hadn't seen the ads yet at all)

DiscoBandit said...

having spent the last 3 years lookin at crapy plans im surprised how long it took me to see these words... lolzer

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