Itapolis Residence, Sao Paulo
Gregori Warchavchik, a contemporary of Lucio Costo, built a variety of structures in Sao Paulo Brazil, in what was then the Latin interpretation of Modernity. Having been credited in constructing the first Modernist building in Brazil, the aesthetic of Warchavchik was born out of function, albeit what was en vogue. His work however breathed an understanding of the South American climate that was created by a social resistance and deemed vital for the movement's acceptance and development.
I'm shocked that you didn't mention Frank Lloyd wright in this category.
I'm not too shocked, whilst I do believe that Wright practiced in the space of Critical Regionalism particularly with the Praire Style and the development of the Chicago School, I felt it more important, if not pertinent to give precedent to someone practicing outside the centre. A point I think is relevant since much of the work Wright did outside of the US bears little appreciation for those environments be it social or physical. However this is moot point.
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