June 30, 2005


People have to realize, as harsh as it is, architect's are the only profession that I know of that gets paid so horribly, or, rather, architect's are the only profession where people will work so hard for so little - Trace (via archinect)

Urban Salon, UK

Urban Salon is a London-based design studio established seven years ago. The work of the studio divides into four broad categories: architecture and urban design, interiors, exhibitions and research. Our focus is not on delivering a house style but on providing fast and innovative solutions tailored for the needs and aspirations of each client.


Mario Gandelonas considers that the Eurocentric literature on cities and architecture is often patronising and does not understand Americanness: i.e. the American X-Urban City which has overtaken the vast American Suburban City and the Cities of Skyscrapers invented in America. Even the European modernist city, based on the 'tabula rasa' concept (e.g. Le Corbusier's City of To-morrow) - a reaction against the baroque city could only be realised in America.

Whilst I don't think it entirely an American phenomena this book is perhaps the only critique of colonial concepts of city/urban planning; and therefore an excellent reader along side the other crap you are forced to read in school (Calvino, Duany, et al)- architechnophilia

X-Urbanism: Architecture and the American City. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1999

June 29, 2005

changing lives

Change the way we think huh? Why not start with the stereotype of the architect wearing black clothes and the rectangular rimmed glasses. Just a thought. The rest of the statment I agree with.

June 28, 2005

Rem Koolhaas - Content

Recieved my copy of Content and within the first few pages was utterly confused - I really thought I was reading a magazine or something else - but definately not a book. It is witty, engaging, questioning and critiquing many things including "what is a book?"

China Town, Kingston Jamaica

China Town is to be redeveloped in Downtown Kingston. A return from the early Chinese occupation in Jamaica where most commerical enterprises up to very recently were own and operated by first or second generation Chinese living on the island. This can be a well-needed injection into the Jamaican economy in line with ICC Cricket World Cup, but more importantly a well needed boost of life into Downtown Kingston. See more here.

Horden Cherry Lee

Very clean site, reminescent of their work.

Horden Cherry Lee Architects

June 27, 2005

I'm an outlaw...

Whatever you are thinking, just know that this man is as cool as fuck, and is one part of an amazing duo - Architects Herzog de Meuron. He's the embodiment of a "starchitect," reserved, well spoken and multi-talented.

I know I'm a fan, I'll admit that - but arent we all?

WACin process by HdM

Agrest & Gandelsonas

Agrest & Gandelsonas Architects, NY

June 26, 2005

Sculpture is his first love

Bryan Bullen, of COCOA artist-in-residence for June at the CCA7. See article from the Trinidad Express. And more here.

June 24, 2005

Barcelona Botanical Institute

Barcelona Botanical Institute
by Carlos Ferrater.

June 23, 2005

Architecture Comic Strip

Tomas Nollet en Hilde Huyghe Architects

Young Architects from Vlaanderen

The Living

From the classrooms of Columbia to practice in the big city, the Living, "technology for its efficiency rather than for form,"

Another quote

"Architects are like Seagulls, they make alot of noise, the eat alot of food, and they leave shit everywhere"

- Geuze

June 22, 2005

UNI Architects

UNI-Architects, Cambridge, Massachusetts

FOG post

For those of you who wanted a link to the image recently featured (Gehry's best?). The building happens to be the MARTa Herford museum in Germany. See more at arcspace.com

June 21, 2005


Austrian architectural practice PPAG

Gehry's Best?

No expensive cladding that can bend, twist and be CAM'd into crushed paper designs. Just good old concrete and brick cladding. I didn't think it could be done (nor this efficiently) - Go FOG go!

June 20, 2005

Modern Shacks

Edgar Blazona is a furniture designer, builder and welder whose prefabricated Modular Dwellings (MD) - also available in kit form for do-it-yourself types - have become especially popular with spas. Many of the tiny "modern shacks" have loft or pull-out beds and small architectural details missing from many larger homes - corner windows, translucent fiberglass walls, and ventilation solutions that are as useful as they are attractive.

via mocoloco

Landscape Design Edinburgh

DDJM Studio

Winners of RIBA Awards announced

Seventy one new buildings across the UK and the EU have been rewarded with RIBA Awards for their high architectural standards and their contribution to their local environment.

Architects Anonymous

"I mean, some mornings you wake up, you’ve been tossing and turning all night with the ideas burning into your brain, and your head is almost exploding with it." - Architects Anonymous

June 17, 2005

East Darling Harbour Sydney Competition

East Darling Harbour is located on the northwestern edge of the Sydney Central Business district in Australia. The site is bounded by Sydney Harbour foreshore to the west and north, the historic precincts of Millers Point, the Rocks, and the Sydney Harbour Bridge approach to the east, and Darling Harbour to the south. The site area is 22 hectares with a shoreline frontage of 1.4 kilometres.The design challenge of this East Darling Harbour competition is to:*physically reconnect to its surroundings*retain its function as a harbour/passenger port*meet the community's expectations for shoreline open space as part of the city*provide appropriate scale of built form consistent with its environment and harbour planning policy*interpret the site's historical development

For more information, please visit http://www.eastdarlingharbour.com or e-mail info@eastdarlingharbour.com

courtesy of Archiseek

June 16, 2005

Housing Prototypes

Search housing via name, architect, location or type. Link courtesy of my good friend Sean Compton over at melondesign.

June 15, 2005

Architectural(ly) Review(ed)

I finally got my copy of the Architectural Review for May 2005. Congratulations to James Stamp (Life Without Buildings) on his blog being featured in this month's magazine. Good on yah!

In other interests take a look at Architecture W. Nice work - very nice work. But I think I went a little mad and contracted cts from it.

Symposium on Environment, Behaviour and Society

June 14, 2005

Caramel Architects

Caramel Architects - nice work!

Antoine Predock

Look at Predock working on a clay model whilst on a flight.
Look he has a knife! This photo is obviously pre-9/11

June 13, 2005


Villa Ayahsowedeh, designed by acclaimed Jamaican architect Harold Morrison.

For those that can't make out the dialect (patios) the word, Ayahsowedeh means "here we are!"

Tokujin Yoshioka

Japanese Designer, Tokujin Yoshioka

more on joypop

the Detroit image

Come together and discuss the global media image of Detroit. Everyone is invited to contribute with their thoughts, feelings and criticism. No issue is too small or too personal. Information overload is the ideology.This blog is established as an online extension/open ended media campaign of the exibition project DE-tro-IT. Media posted here will be used for the Shrinking Cities exibition in Leipzig, Germany autumn 2005.

Also take a look at the bad-architects network, sign me up!

June 11, 2005

Ando's black steel

Tadao Ando, 1995 Pritzker Architecture Prize recipient, has recently completed a building for design gurus hhstyle finished, not in his tradmark concrete, but in blackened steel

via archinect

June 10, 2005

Lightroom Fellowship

Wow, I wish I could take 3 months off of work to do this. And not just because I want to be in Atlanta either (wink wink)

June 9, 2005

Red Square

Red Square, University of Newcastle

This is such a beautiful space, unfortunately I saw it during the dead of the Australian winter. It regularly howled with frigid wind, not a nice feeling to a sun-loving West Indian boy like myself. Still the character of the space made it the nucleus of the school of architecture.

Raised from the Seas

In an effort to use sculpture to monumentalise history, particularly architecture a scheme in Dunwick hopes to raise hopes and a few memories

Would be nice to see a similar project from Port Royal.

Starck Madness

Interview with reknown French designer Philippe Starck on Design Boom

June 8, 2005

all hail the prince

blurb about Prince-Ramus from OMA

Gehry Concert Hall

Although I generally dislike anything to do with Disney


It's the Curse of the Architect: to be blessed with great taste, but never have the ability to afford anything befitting that taste.

bottom drawer

The title seems more like a place to stash porn and other unmentionables, but in fact serves as a contemporary account of an architect working with the rural studio.
go see the bottom drawer

June 7, 2005

what a day

"If my day keeps going this way I'm going to break your f...ing face tonight" - Limp Bizkit
this how I feel presently, so I will be taking a long lunch.
On a lighter note, more modernism - its in Spanish

June 5, 2005

Volcanism and Architecture

Mmmm... Architecture and volcanism. Being a sweet jamaican island girl, it's not a concept that i related to until i came to study in Colima, Mexico. They have 2 magnificent volcanos overlooking the city. Volc?n de Fuego y de Nieve... Fire and Snow since one is active and the other dormant. Adventure, danger, beauty, Awe... sounds great for Architecture! Photo source... www.udlap.mx/.../cudi/ eventos/diacudivolcanes/
Posted by Hello

Say your prayers

Originally uploaded by Gautam R S.
looks like two hands coming together to pray.

Airport in Montserrat

This is the newly constructed airport in Montserrat, designed by a local Architect KJ Cassell Consultants.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

I had to use the dark photo because the colours are a bit bright!

June 4, 2005

architecture & devastation

The Anglican primary school in the foreground the bad ass volcano to the rear.


Architects are notoriously fond of industrial refuse


How Would Enrique Norten Spend $100,000?

June 3, 2005

staggered shades + purple stone

Originally uploaded by _granados_.

Pure Sex

Originally uploaded by _granados_.
Now this is pure sex! I don't know what it is, I can't explain or justify it - but its just sexy architecture. No bullshit reasoning needed - "Mah, look what I can do!"
More on "weekly dose"

Container Village

container village
Originally uploaded by architechnophilia.
I know many architects like myself have a fetish about container and their wide reaching abilities as mobile structures. I thought it only to post the awful side effects of such architecture, reminds me loose the passion a bit.

June 2, 2005

who mi be?

One of the more outstanding phrases used on the this peculiar but spectacular island is, "who mi be?" More of a statement than a question I will use this as a means to introduce myself for those that have been asking.

David Cuthbert,
Architect (RIBA II, Caribbean School of Architecture)
working presently in Montserrat under contract for the government
my client list has been dedicated to Montserrat for the last 3 years, since this has been my focus
I'm a BIG believer in the marriage of design consciousness + social consciousness - perphaps why I found myself in Monty
teaching at the Caribbean School of Architecture (only Anglo-phone school of architecture in the Caribbean), post graduate school was previously my most satisfying professional endeavour
In 1999 I became a European Scholar and I used the moola to fund grad school, travel and my dissertation
My dissertation title, cyberspace: the "real" post-colonial landscape - it was hard to write and is largely incomplete but I loved ever moment of it and every word written
I am a modernist by heart, but its tropical off shoot - think the work of Doshi, Corbusier in India, Aalto (to an extent - yes I know he was practicing in the cold), Glenn Murcutt and Kahn
The architects I feel most bonded to spiritually are Alvaro Siza, Eduardo Souto de Moura & David Adjaye
My most amazing architectural moment was about 5am before the sun rose properlly and walking to the bathroom at the Bundaddun centre in Australia seeing the cascading light on the sun fins - how did Glenn do it? Fuck me!
I've done masterclasses with Charles Correra, Glenn Murcutt & Douglas Cardinal - 2/3 weren't bad, the last one was a crock of shit
Favourite artists living; Steve Ouditt, Damien Hirst, Chris Cozier
the dead ones; Salvador Dali, Braque, Frida Kahlo....
The logo, is a nod to the photographs of Man Ray - and is a partial siloutte of a house in Curacao done in 1997
Biggest architectural ambition? To work 50/50 half in the classroom and half in practice.

Why on earth do I have this blog; simply because I'm an archi-geek, naw actually its to satisfy a void - there doesn't seem to be a (working) architectural portal for and about architects practicing in the Caribbean and Latin America, just wanted to do my part.

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

The best image of scale I've seen so far. Memorial by Peter Eisenman, construction completed earlier this year. Interesting the lads in the background who've found the pillars as great seats.
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