March 31, 2007

papressblog - connecting the dots of the visual world

March 29, 2007

inspired by concrete

saw this and it made me laugh...those houses look like familiar too

Iredale Pedersen Hook Architects are an emerging Australian architecture practice with offices in Perth and Melbourne with a diverse portfolio of work.

March 28, 2007

Rogers in 07

Richard Rogers of the United Kingdom becomes the 2007 Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate. His practice the Richard Rogers Partnership is often associated with the Centre Pompidou, the Lloyds of London, and more recently the National Assembly for Wales and Madrids Bajaras Airport. He's the fourth British national to win the award joining Foster, Hadid, & Stirling.

Dellis Cay

Residential villas on a remote Caribbean Island in the Turks & Caicos called Dellis Cay with accommodations designed by architectural heavy hitters, Zaha Hadid, David Chipperfield, Shigeru Ban, Kengo Kumo and more.

thanks Sean

Loloma 5

A completely modern Live/Work concept within an urban setting where every unit offers commercial office space and 2 bedrooms apartments with a unique palette of materials designed by architect Will Bruder.


March 27, 2007

Hip Hop goes minimal

Claudio Silvestrin Architects design for a one bedroom apartment with an über minimal aesthetic for rap artist Kanye West


March 26, 2007

New bathroom collection...
Congratulations to Yamani at Strange Bungalow who was featured in Architect's recent article on Black Women in Architecture (US)

tugboat party

Oceanic Creations, utilising technology created by the Swedish Navy, plans to erect a series of sea fearing barges for use as hotels to be located at a harbour near you.

March 22, 2007

Sauerbruch Hutton Architects proposal for the German Automobile Association (ADAC) regional headquarters in Munich

March 21, 2007

A proposal by Michael Jantzen for a foot bridge that incorporates wind turbines, more for sensory effect than sustainability it seems.


House by the Sea by de Blacam + Meagher architects

Maryann Thompson Architects

March 20, 2007

The proposal for the extension to the VC Bird International airport in Antigua by REID architecture

Carvalho Araujo Architects
a Portugese architect and designer with a well crafted industrial and minimal aesthetic

March 18, 2007

Links, links, links

another regional link, interior architect Simone St. Rose;

planet architecture: a site that gathers daily blog posts with a common theme: Architecture;

the books I own and have read via Librarything (a partial collection - I'll update once I return to Monty);

my account;

and you should all be able to find my flickr account too

Housing done by BIG (formerly PLOT)

see their other architectural venture here

March 17, 2007

Erin go Braugh

Happy St. Patricks Day everyone,

have a pint (or two for me)

March 16, 2007

making of an Eames chaise lounge

via archinect or to buy

March 15, 2007

Apartments with pixelated facade by Slovenian Architects Sadar Vugar


March 14, 2007

2nd Anniversary

Two years, 850+ posts, 100K+ visitors later.

thanks everyone for the encouragement, links, requests etc and generally for shaping the architechnophilia experience

in the beginning


A roof top extension by London based architect Claudio Silvestrin to the National Modern Art Museum of Poznan in Poland, providing access to the newly converted into gallery space on the top floor of the museum. The building arrangement expresses the contemporary and future architectures clearly identifying the three construction dates of the museum 1900, 1976 and 2006.

always good to see hand drawn blobs too
On this the 2nd anniversary of architechnophilia I felt it necessary to discuss the notion of starchitects and the trend of building green. Presently only a small percentage of the acclaimed architects are utilising sustainable practices in the design & construction of their buildings; most notably Glenn Murcutt, Renzo Piano, Norman Foster, Shigeru Ban and more recently Thom Mayne (of Morphosis).

Is this not the reason we have commercial & marketable faces for the architectural profession? Their responsibility to the practice of architecture is to create an avenue for discussion for what we believe is of consequence. The most important issue facing the profession, without debate is sustainability - a broad brush title for environmentally responsible architecture & construction. The more starchitects move toward building green structures, the more likely that a trend will emerge as the next generation mimics, follows and develops the ideas that can become standardised.

So let the green this St Patricks day stand for our committment to sustainable architectural practices.

a few green links

Architectural Record interviews William McDonough

Habitat for Humanity's modular house wins AIA housing award via treehugger

Proposal for a mixed use facility in Moscow, featuring hotel, residences & exhibition spaces by Zaha Hadid.


March 13, 2007

for those of you not watching cricket

random images from flickr

Dior store by Sanaa

MIT dorms by Steven Holl

Concert Hall by Santiago Calatrava

March 12, 2007

dolls' house

Residence for a doll house maker built on the site of a former quarry by London based practiceHudson Architects

Archinect interviews Michael Rotondi

March 11, 2007

The Open Architecture Network is an open source community dedicated to improving living conditions through innovative and sustainable design.

The online community creates an avenue to allow designers to:

- Share their ideas, designs and plans
- View and review designs posted by others
- Collaborate with others to address specific design challenges
- Build a more sustainable future


Mixed-use building in Budapest, Hungary by Zaha Hadid


March 9, 2007

Fire Station in Chlie by architects Gonzalo Mardones Viviani

see also

March 8, 2007

to all the female architects, happy international women's day

Barkow Leibinger
architects, Berlin

March 7, 2007

Vico Acconci Studio's proposal for a skate park in Puerto Rico

PingMag has an interview with Yoshiharu Tsukamoto of Atelier Bow Wow


March 6, 2007

The Green Project is a sustainable programme in New Orleans that salvages materials from damaged buildings, these are then used to repair and rebuild homes. The salvaged materials are either recycled into new building materials or re-used such as architectural elements, hardware, and old growth lumber all of which would of been otherwise irreplaceable.

Future Systems
' winning scheme for the Czech Republic's new National Library. Similarities to sea monsters, Darth Vader & Smurf houses are purely incidental.


the extending balcony

MoCo Loco reported on these very minimalist chairs by Nonesiste, the concept is of a "line quickly drawn on a white sheet"

Didden Village in Rotterdam by architects MVRDV


March 4, 2007

flores prats

Flores & Prats, Archs. was established in Barcelona, in 1998 and are ex-collaborators of Miralles during the 1990s. The work is typical of the bold modern expressionism seen in the mediterranean and is wildly presented using stop animation. This is an addicitive website.

Of similar interest the Silver Lake Film Festival

Multipurpose music hall by Eduardo De Miguel


March 2, 2007

The Shipping & Transport College by Neutelings Riedijk Architects is pronounced by a 70m tower housing teaching & offices spaces with the lower plaza supporting the sports centre & restaurant.

on the boards: Middlesex Redevelopment

MAKE architects'
proposed rehabilitation of the former Middlesex Hospital site in London, replaces the existing buildings with a more appropriate scheme of mixed use redevelopment (offices, homes & community services)

March 1, 2007

It's official....100,000+ visitors

the architect

A comic by Andie Tong & Mike Baron. Reads oddly like a reversion of FLW but dubbed as "a story about love, betrayal, genius and mushrooms."
green London?

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