October 31, 2006

MikiMoto building by Toyo Ito

Hotel Marques de Riscal

Hotel Marques de Riscal by Frank Gehry Partners

image via arcspace, more images here

seán says: I really want to hate it, but I think it would make me laugh if i was there

October 30, 2006

Caribbean Building Awards

Here is a link to the winning entries for the Caribbean Building Awards. Files in PDF format.

congratulations to melondesign:architecture and the folks at Jenifer Smith Architects

October 28, 2006

pouring of roof on house type C, Lookout 2A Housing, Montserrat

October 27, 2006

Z-house, located on the eastern coastline of Denmark, is designed to enhance the great view towards the sea, consisting of outdoor terraces on different levels with ramps leading from the surrounding garden to the indoor areas. At the central part of the house a large water-wall creates a vertical connection through the house.

Eva Harlou, former competition design architect at 3XNielsen has opened her own practice in Copenhagen, Denmark.

October 25, 2006

Floating Pool

Jonathon Kirchenfeld Architects proposal for a pool to be built within a steel deck barge acting as a 'migrating recreation pier,' as the barge can be towed from site to site, which might vary each summer.

October 24, 2006

Urban Cactus by UCX Architects
via Daily Dose

Tropolism introduces us to Tadashi Kawamata

October 20, 2006


Originally uploaded by eversion.
Now I understand why its been dubbed, "best use of colour"

New Orleans Prototype House Competition

As New Orleans struggles with a future of continued displacement, this competition, open to architecture students only, sought designs for houses that respond to the city’s new circumstances: ease of installment, flexible to rise above flood waters, and a respect for local climate and environment.

Click here to see the projects

via Architectural Record

October 19, 2006

October 18, 2006

venice super blog
I'm an architect and am pure, putting my soul on paper and manifesting it with woood, block and steel for everyone to see.

October 17, 2006

Rip Curl

Rip Curl Canyon an installation by Benjamin Ball and Gaston Nogues at Rice Gallery in Texas. Ball and Nogues have transformed their architectural training of space and the understanding of construction to fabricate installations that transform the way people interact with environments. "Using 4000 sheets of precision-cut cardboard, Ball-Nogues will create an inhabitable, rolling landscape that extends from the gallery’s floor to its ceiling."

October 16, 2006

Rogers wins Lion

Richard Rogers wins his first Lion (RIBA Stirling Prize) for the Barajas Airport in Madrid, not to be outdone his National Assembly in Wales was also nominated for the prize.

The prize awarded to architects annually for the building that has made the greatest contribution to British architecture, has managed to evade Rogers despite his international popularity.


Portuguese Architecture 100 Projects on-line

October 13, 2006

October 11, 2006

work work work

Originally uploaded by architechnophilia.
I never did apologise for the absent posts last week. I've been rather busy doing some on site management of the construction of 60 houses in the north of Montserrat.

This is an example of one of the houses designed by our department. The other four house types are designed by DLN Consultants, Barbados.

October 10, 2006

a sense of balance...

modernity + sustainability
Balance Associates Architects

the games we play...

It seems that the public must once again endure the starchitects' fancy of reproducing of themselves, under the guise of genius. This time by Daniel Libeskind in Colorado. Giant, titanium clad geometries are fitted with the programme of none other than an art museum - big shock!

The "inspiration" for this latest creation, the architect claims, was the shape of the Colorado rockies.

via Arcspace
more on topic here


Graduates of the Caribbean School of Architecture, at the University of Technology are starting an Alumni Association with hopes of continuing the development of the school. The initial aims are to offer scholarships to the Graduate degree programme, paid partially through registration/membership in the association.

Sponsorship is more than welcome. Messages left here will be forwarded to the organisers for more information.

October 9, 2006

Architecture students can now download the latest full version of Archicad for FREE. This is an official copy to be downloaded from Graphisoft banner included on the margin.

October 8, 2006

Solar Glass + Ventilated Glass

Solar glazing is becoming more and more of a choice for architects building glazed facades. The solar cells and automated ventilation system are integrated into the Akademie Mont-Cenis complex (via Treeghugger). When its warmer the glass louvers open to allow cool air in, whilst the warm air is expelled through roof vents.

October 5, 2006

Casa Elemento

Previously posted architects Sami Rintala

October 2, 2006

World Habitat Day

Today, 2 October 2006, the International Union of Architects and UN-Habitat are celebrating World Habitat Day and the World Day of Architecture.

Within the framework of this commemoration, the UIA Work Programme on bioclimatic architecture and renewable energy sources (ARES) is announcing an international competition, to be launched on 1 November 2006, for the design of emergency shells and settlement units to house the local population following natural disasters.

Check this site by November

October 1, 2006

India: transformed

Perhaps the world's most ambitious redevelopment is underway in India, with more than 500 acres of shanties and unremarkable buildings transformed into five organised, self-sustained sectors all part of a 10,000 acre plan for Mumbai’s belated makeover scheme.“We have decided on a land use plan,” explains Mehta. “So for each sector, we know where a park, school, hospital will be located.

Also, detailed specifications for buildings will be given to the developers.” That will include art deco buildings and mandatory eco-housing criteria—including rainwater harvesting, water recycling, renewable energy systems.

more here
via archinect
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