July 30, 2006

last week

here's a look at the many things I saw last week
urinals in the shape of spoons

proposal for a bus shelter in North Sydney

New 2G on BKK-3

landscape: practice

Martha Schwartz Partners

July 28, 2006

architecture on the brain

and alcohol in the belly

Zaha in London, don't ask me about archidose 13 (we at the fetish are anti prairie)

July 26, 2006

compact living

miniHome by sustain design studio

sustainable urbanism

The XV Quito Pan-American Architecture Biennale is inviting participants in the International Competition "Galapagos – 0 Latitude: Sustainable Urbanism and Architecture." Its purpose is to lend visibility to human settlement issues on the Galapagos Islands and provide a place to reflect on alternatives for future sustainable towns.
The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland has named the winners of the 2006 awards. via Land + Living

July 25, 2006

MID Awards

The Building & Interior Trade's Most Innovative Design Awards (MID Awards)

The MID Awards have been conceptualized and organized by Premier Events Caribbean Limited with the endorsement of the Trinidad & Tobago Institute of Architects (TTIA), the Association of Professional Engineers of Trinidad & Tobago (APETT) and the Joint Consultative Council (JCC). The MID Awards are intended to encourage and celebrate innovation in regional design work.


Design professionals and students in the Caribbean. Entries are
encouraged from individuals, groups, partnerships, and companies.

July 24, 2006

architects SANAA Zollverein School of Management and Design

photos via Thomas Mayer


The Nerve is only now realising what we at Architechnophilia have known all along...architecture is porn!
via archinect (see discussion page as well)

July 21, 2006

Wonders of the World - Business Week

BusinessWeek surveys green architecture around the world. Renzo Piano's J.M. Tjibaou Cultural Centre in New Caledonia, combines technology as well as culture - utilising local timbers and traditional construction methods reflecting sustainable attitudes & the local economy. The buildings mimic the island's traditional Kanak huts, blending into their surroundings, and allowing natural ventilation into the interiors.

via Treehugger

July 20, 2006

50,000 visitors

thanks to all the regular viewers (melon, John, Iz, et al) that make it worth while -
in honour of this we'll be going through a redesign...nothing too fancy. Look out for it.

Island Stylee

Multi-disciplinary practice Lee Skolnick Architects

Kamique, Anguilla, BWI

Keeping with the Island theme Apartment Therapy has a post on Bermudian Roofs. I'm not a big fan of these roofs so I'm not showing an image...but it is worthwhile posting nonetheless becaus this one has an eco side to it, capturing and filtering water for personal use. Go green!!

boring shit...

July 19, 2006

Area 51 - the aliens have landed

Wallpaper* features Michael Jantzen latest design proposal, a wind shaped pavilion. The wind slowly and randomly rotates each of the six lightweight fabric segments around a central support frame, ever-changing the pavilion's shape, and generating electricity for use at night.

July 18, 2006

Sustainable Design Competition for New Orleans

A competition that seeks to advance the sustainable rebuilding of New Orleans, hosted by the Global Green. Sign up and vote for your choice or stare at many photos of Brad Pitt - the celebrity host of the event.

July 17, 2006

the Gurthrie on Arcspace

Arcspace has a new spread on Jean Nouvel's Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis

"The exterior is a composition of metal and glass that evokes industrial forms, rendered in a modern way. The large circular form of the thrust theater echoes the area’s adjacent grain silos, while the towering rectangular structure of the proscenium theater is in harmony with nearby flour mills." - Arcspace

photos: Philippe Ruault

July 16, 2006

DKA is an Indian architecture & design practice that creates innovative places & identity.

via archinect

July 14, 2006


Architectural Photographer Tim Pike, see the website TimPiks

BUBBLES by Robotecture

A new open-air interactive installation at Materials & Applications called "bubbles" will soon spring to life. This site-specific installation will also represent the first large-scale interactive installation of its kind.

Ideologically, the installation builds upon the legacy of the late-sixties counter-cultural "immaterial" architecture and art installations of the Utopie group, who were inspired in their time by Guy Debord and the Situationists. Now the technology of our times has caught up with the goals of this airy socio-political revolution.
Bubbles is a collaborative effort of the offices of Foxlin, NonDesigns and Axel Kilian.

July 13, 2006

via Prospector

Line of Site Competition

This is your chance to accept the challenge of the ultimate brief and design buildings in some of the world's most dramatic and exciting locations.

The competition is based on sketching - not fully developed designs. We are looking for the initial ideas that capture the essence of creativity and mark the point when those ideas take shape.

Four winning entries from each brief will go on to the grand final event in October. For this, we will ask the designers to work up their submissions in greater detail and present their ideas to the judging panel. From the final twelve the overall winner will be selected.

co-sponsered by SketchUp

best ipod thingy

This has to be one of the best iPod thingys I've seen to date. The rest seem half-assed half-designed but it truly has a touch of elegance. Now go out and buy your iPods.


link to the Glenn Murcutt Masterclass blog ozetecture

July 12, 2006

more...as promised

Barkow Leibinger, Frank Barkow & Regine Leibinger - practice based in Berlin keen on the "interaction of practice, research and teaching."

Coroflot to relaunch this weekend

and this...

The Torres Siamesas designed by Alejandro Aravena
why? ("y")

see link via
this was the first thing I found this morning - absolut-ly brilliant

Aletier Bow-Wow featured in Mark (new architecture magazine, created by the same people who did the WAY brilliant FRAME); link via Dezain

more later...

July 10, 2006

smallest coolest apartments 2006

apartment therapy ran a competition on small yet beautiful apartments - more an approach to compact (efficient) living.

this is a video of one of the finalists, enjoy

link via treehugger

modernist fetish

Originally uploaded by urban_tank.

todays links

Indochine Decor - fine handmade contemporary furniture and decor online

Sustainable Living2 by Dominique Gauzin-Muller

World Beer - via Boing Boing (really good article and bloody good reason to drink more beer)

Thalia says:
"Think critically. Live creatively. Choose
freely. READ!"
good quote right? thanks sis

July 5, 2006

massimo vignelli

Interview with Massimo Vignelli of vignelli associates
at designboom

July 4, 2006

Life Without Buildings shows the new museum, Musee du Quai Branly, by Jean Nouvel

July 3, 2006

I'm now a Certified Project Practitioner(IPMA Level D); I passed the two-part certification examination, demonstrating knowledge in the theory and practice of project management.

July 2, 2006

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