November 6, 2007

Zero House

The 650 square foot Zero House by Scott Specht of Spect Harpman Architects

The design proposes to have self-generating electricity created by the canopy roof; as well as a 2700 gallon rooftop water collection, and a waste composting system at the lowest level. The ZeroHouse is intended to find application in remote or ecologically sensitive locations, in places where typical construction would be unsuitable.


Anonymous said...

I love this design/aesthetics/functionality...I want to build one for my retirement do I get the plans???

Anonymous said...

The idea is awesome. A little cramped for practical use, but i guess if its a vacation home in the mountains, id probably be outside anyways.

Anonymous said...

One of the few perfect compact sustainable design projects. We will see all this coming in the next years.

Yerahcaz said...

Why does it have to look horrendous? I get the whole futuristic approach to green living, but surely we have learnt over modernist approaches got us into this mess, can't we have, hell enjoy, some simple athletically pleasing unobtrusive design elements that become part of the landscape we wish to inhabit? Do we really need to act like animals and mark every territory we enter?
When we as a society learn to live with nature and not despite it we might have something to be proud of...

Mousi said...

it remindes me to those Shipping Container buildings. Or even a Plane!

Anonymous said...

Lol .. what !? .. r u babling about ... said...

very good idea. said...

very good idea

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